Iraq To Expel U.S. Security Firm Over Death of 17

The Iraqi government remains determined to expel the Blacwater USA security company and is searching for legal remmedies to overturn an American-impoed decree that exempts all foreign bodyguads from prosecution under local laws, officials said wednesday.

Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s government accepted the findings of an Iraq investigative committee that determined Blackwater guards,without provocation, killed 17 Iranqis last month in Nisoor Square in western Baghdad.

Iraqi investigators declared that Blackwater should be expelled and $8 million should be paid as compensation for each victim. The officials said the Cabinet decided to establish a committee to find ways to repeal a 2004 directive issued by L..Paul Bremer, chief of the former United States occupation government in Iraq. The order placed private security companies outside Iraqi law.

The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to release the information. The Iaqi probe into the September 16 shooting ,found that Black water personnel guarding a state Department convoy opened fire on Iraqis without reasons. Blackwater said its men came under fire first, although no witnesses have been found to corroborate the claim. The guards involved have been isolated and have not been available to comment.

Hanson Okoh:
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