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Is Boredom Destroying Your Marriage?

Men and women who are restless in their marriages and are suffering with boredom and “no” desire or “intimate” passions for their spouse should explore changes in their daily life or they’ll, in my opinion, end up having a case of roaming eyes and a yearning to find satisfaction outside the marriage. Let’s face it the same humdrum day after day can become boring and it may cause a response to get rid of the rut; there’s a need for constant pre-planning to keep a marriage alive and full of excitement.

It’s sad to say but, “A married man/woman will find dissatisfaction when life becomes routine and there’s nothing different or exciting happening in their life.”

In many marriages this causes a spouse to want to discover an interest in something else or “someone” else to bring excitement and passion into their life. Whenever a spouse begins to take their spouse for grant and has the feeling they’ll be there regardless of what they do, a spouse had better watch out because trouble is brewing around the corner.

Whenever a man or woman begins to go outside of their marriage looking for contentment, excitement, intimate passions and love, they’re in a major crisis; and they had better try some new ploys to win back the lost passions in their married life.

Many spouses have a tendency to believe their spouse is married property only and they’ll be home waiting after they have their fling. Wake-up spouse your living in a different world today and when you cast your love and passions in another’s direction you’re more than likely end up in a divorce court.

It’s sad when two people make a commitment to each other and they have children together and a spouse decides they’re bored and craving the attentions of another person to make them feel alive, passionate, and full of desire. They’re willing to give up their family to find excitement…this is dangerous and depressing because the spouse will more than likely wake up and be sorry for their actions.

Why not take the bull-by-the-horn and turn your boredom into exhilaration by taking the time to convey love to your spouse and show her/him some affections and attentions? There’s nothing better to keep the sparks flying and to arouse passion in a night.
Take a chance on spending a pleasant evening dining in a fantastic location or go to a five-star hotel to a stay-over-night for dining and dancing and make it a routine to do these type things often to keep your romance alive.

It’s wise to romance your spouse like you did when you were going together; surely, there’s “still” a spark lying dormant in your hearts that can be found again. Maybe it’s time both spouses step up to the plate and admit they both have been overlooking each other, have you ever thought about that?

Let’s just say for example that you did roam and you ended up getting a divorce…how long do you think that spark is going to last? I hate to say this but the same boredom is going to find you in another marriage too and the unhappiness and wavering will find you again.

People have a tendency to need their ego’s built-up and oft times this is the “real” boredom problem in the first place. A marriage requires lots of work to achieve happiness, fulfillments, passions and desires and without it both people will become bored and become strangers to each other. No time alone for fun and romance can end a once happy marriage. There’s “no” reason for a person not to make plans to boost activity to enhance a difference in a day or night.

Have you found yourself in this type situation; if so, take a look at your marriage and start planning for fun days and nights to spend alone with your spouse? It may amaze you the difference it will make in your marriage and the happiness you’ll find.

This article is an opinion of the writer, Barbara Kasey Smith.

Barbara K. Smith: Barbara Kasey Smith was born in Affinity, West Virginia. She was raised in a coal-mining town of Crab Orchard, West Virginia. Barbara worked for the federal government for thirty-one plus years. She enjoys reading, writing, the theater and her family and friends. Barbara loves to write poetry and opinion articles and she has been published in several anthologies, magazines, and Internet reviews. She has had four books published. She enjoys her husband and Jack Russell terrier, Miss Daisy, to be in the room as she writes because it gives her the feeling it enhances her ability to attain her best writing moments.
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