Categories: Politics

Is Hillary Clinton Poisoning The Democratic Party?

While I am listening to the debate, my feelings of Hillary Clinton all of sudden becoming that ¨nagging wife¨ that makes men simply shiver.  I am not an Obama, Clinton, or McCain supporter for the record so I do have an objective view on this election.  At least I want to think that.

Her complete denial of what is going on in her campaign could be a microcosm of what could be a troubled presidency.  Her ¨my way or the highway¨ attitude could lead to a guillotine like political backlash against her opponents before she even decides to tackle the promises she is making right now. 

Look, I do not have the numbers to prove what I want to state.  You have to go to the CNN or other polls to find out.  But while I talk to the people I know here, they all coincide on Hillary coming on way too strong.   That tone in addition to the baggage she has only make her look like a power monger.  Hey, if you are running for the presidency of the United States, then you are a power monger.  But in her case, it seems so obvious.  Everything from the tone of her voice to the pointing of a finger makes the male and middle class vote dwindle towards the Illinois senator, and even John McCain should she be the nominee. 

Someone told her before last night’s debate to tone it down a bit.   She did so but without hitting Obama with some sucker punches in the beginning of the debate.  ¨Vision can’t be xeroxed¨ was a classic.  Still She sounded like the HIllary pre-calming down.  She still talked about the same thing she has the past few months.  She sounds like she did in the previous God knows how many debates.

This dragging on of the inevitable could backfire on her even worse, because various individuals within the Democratic arty believe she should bid adieu to her presidential run.  They believe that if she steps down, the entire party can now focus on backing one candidate.  They can now focus all their energies on helping Barack Obama take the White House. 

Let me know what you think?



Juan Arango: After writing for Goal.com for three years, I decided to go on my own. One of the most rewarding endeavors is to write here for GroundReport.com.

Besides sports both at the local level and internationally, I will be covering the Super Tuesday proceedings in Connecticut, which suddenly turned into a swing state here in New England. So check me out here as well as in my blog.

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