Is organic eating the better way to a healthy lifestyle? The food that’s eaten today is loaded with chemicals and artificial flavoring, preservatives, and coloring. Food that was made 25 or more years ago didn’t have a lot of ingredients and artificial coloring and preservatives. What would the world be like without fast food restaurants and that everyone stuck to eating at sit down places where the food is actually freshly prepared and not eating something that tastes like it came out of the microwave.
Most people today eat a majority of their meals outside the home and most meals are usually consisting of high fattening food that’s deep fried in trans-fatty type oils or shortenings. According to statistics 61.4% of Americans are overweight that percentage are women. 64% of Americans are clinically or morbidly obese and many are minorities of African-American and Hispanic decent. Much of the vegetables and fruit that is consumed today are treated with chemicals and means to grow them faster and the same with the meats that are consumed as well since chickens were raised in hot houses meaning they’re confined to a stall with hundreds of other chickens and they stand in one place and they eat a diet of grains with steroids and injected with growth hormones so they can produce them to meet the high demand of the market. Chickens and turkeys that are allowed to scratch and move around an open yard produce better meat and eggs.
Organic food has a different taste and it’s a lot healthier for you since the vegetables, fruit and meat aren’t raised using pesticides or other drugs. The cows, turkeys, chickens, and fish that are raised organically are less likely to have parasites because they’re being fed an all natural diet free of preservatives and cows are allowed to graze in untreated pastures and fields and they’re treated in a humane and caring environment which also helps them to produce good milk you can tell by taste since cows that are allowed to graze are much happier and content. Fish also tastes better when raised in waters that are clean and free of pollutants. If food was produced in a healthier way and not loaded with harmful drugs and chemicals the health of America would be a lot better.
Whole Foods Market is highly recommended to purchase organic foods and other products that are environmentally friendly. They also offer a selection of food and products for those who are dairy and gluten (wheat) sensitive to have a choice of products to fit many kinds of lifestyles and choice of living. Another store that sells a good line of organic products is Trader Joe’s and any store that sells natural products is best and organic hygiene products are better to use and try to use products that aren’t tested on animals because the ingredients are less toxic on humans. It’s a known fact that a lot of the pesticides that are used to treat insect problems on produce and other kinds of food is in fact harmful to most domestic animals that feed on grass and other kinds of plants such as horses and mules. Federal law prohibits the use of poultry having been shot up with drugs and chemicals to produce them quicker for the slaughterhouse and then the market. Where as back in the day when meat was produced they produced them in well kept untreated fields and fed them healthier diets of grains. Now a lot of the chicken and turkey is healthier to eat since many meat producers are changing the way they produce their products. People may think that organic eating is radicalism from when the late 60s were around, but a lot of the organic farmers have been in business for a long time and many of these small organic farms are family owned and operated.
These fast food places claim they are trying to put more healthier choices on their menus when it would help if they would also start using meat that’s raised strictly by organic farmers and also use more veggies on their burgers and even considering using a whole grain bun instead of the processed bleach white sesame seed bun which carries no real nutrients whereas a honey or whole grain wheat or oat bun has a higher nutrient content. Plus not enough Americans eat a balanced diet and it doesn’t help when they’re at work and someone comes in with a box of donuts instead of a whole grain or fruit muffins since people load up on coffee cake and other kinds of crappy junk food and then are sluggish and tired before lunch has even started. If some people have a hard time with eating right they can drink something like Ensure or Boost that has 23-25 essential nutrients needed for proper body function. Some people think Ensure is for old folks when it’s good for a snack or meal replacement when you can’t eat right away and it’s healthier for you.
It’s a disgrace to see as many children eating things that is not ideal for growth and development. This is why parenting classes should be re-established so that young parents can learn what a child should be eating for their age and not just feeding them whatever the rest of the world is eating. This is where a lot of children have weight issues that’s off the charts for a child their age and size. Organic eating will cut down drastically the number of childhood food allergies and even allergies to the environment. Eating healthy will increase your body’s ability to fight infections, and to recover faster when sick or injured and you feel better eating food that’s not been chemically treated or altered. You can still enjoy the foods you love, but look for alternative choices and look for other ways to cook and prepare your food. Keep all fruits and veggies raw as you possibly can and meat should be cooked through broiling or baking, and limit the frying and stay away from combinations such as bacon and mayonnaise that’s a serious threat to one’s cardiovascular health. It doesn’t help when fast food places are offering triple and quadruple sized burgers loaded with bacon and other high fattening toppings. The average hamburger should equal two patties and include fresh lettuce and other veggies and light mayo no more than a dollop (about a spoonful).
Romaine lettuce is a good salad lettuce since it’s got a higher vitamin content than iceberg which is the most commonly used lettuce on burgers and sandwiches. Any breads you eat should be made of untreated and unbleached flour and is of whole grain wheat or oat bran. It’s good for keeping a regulated fiber content in your diet. Many people love bagels and cream cheese, starting off eating one bagel is like eating 5 slices of bread that’s a lot for one sitting when the average is 2 and eat cream cheese that’s lower in fat. Pastas should be made of unprocessed and bleached flour and should be limited to once a week. If you’re an athlete it’s ideal for loading up on carbs for performance and stamina. The average person should be consuming anywhere between 1500 and 2500 a day. Anything over that balanced amount is too many calories which has resulted in a lot of people gaining weight. Also the combination of foods is what isn’t healthy either since there’s more of a consumption of carbohydrates and starches than actually eating green leafy vegetables. For example some people like mashed potatoes corn and steak when corn and potatoes are starchy substituting the corn add some spinach steamed or raw when eaten on a salad.
In place of fattening salad dressing use a squeeze of lemon juice and sea salt…table salt is horrible for the blood pressure. Celtic salt or sea salt is much more healthier and isn’t going to tax the blood pressure for people who have high blood pressure and hypertension and/or are diabetic. Diabetics can benefit on an organic diet since they can manage their blood sugar and even lose weight and improve their health. Again if Americans would stop eating what they see on tv or grabbing stuff off the grocery store shelf because it looks and tastes good you would see people maintaining a healthy weight and eating differently. 3 square meals a day doesn’t consist of the drive through at some fast food restaurant. McDonalds is the worst place anyone can eat at because the oil they use for the fries, chicken mcnuggets, and the fish filets is horrible to the skin because people seem to have a nasty acne break out after eating McDonalds and it’s bad on the cholesterol scale since perfectly healthy people with moderate to healthy cholesterol had skyrocketed up to dangerous levels in their cholesterol from eating food from McDonalds. Fast food is ok once in a while, but a lot of what these places make you can do this at home and use healthier alternatives for the ingredients. Stay clear of extremely rich sauces and garnishes because the fat content is high. You can find out the latest in holistic and organic living at and this is a website that’s owned and operated by a registered nurse who is constantly on the look out for new and interesting things in the world of holistic health and alternative medicine and organic living and eating. If you have things going on this is the place to check out ways you can heal yourself, but again this doesn’t substitute consulting with a medical doctor so please consult a professional before starting any kind of medicinal regimen. Your health is what is more valuable than all the money in the world and you have to take care of it because that’s all you have.
There’s this saying you should eat to live not live to eat and eating healthy will keep you free of diseases. Doctors are trained to give you a pill to fix everything. When it only is a temporary means to solve a problem. When a change in lifestyle is what will work on the long term level. The healing of one’s body and soul starts from within and it begins with what you feed your body as well so it’s ok to splurge, but not everything that tastes good is actually good for you.
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