Yes, its one of the reasons, others reasons include
deficiency in vitamins, ( not clear about exact need to slavage hair, but they need protein, conditioning, seems hair oils supply hair follicle with such deficient vitamins, most often when blood fail to )
uncleaned scalp, ( hair wash is a must, atleast once in two days)
Abnormal living conditions ( living environments and living conditions need to clean and even… avoid contaminated food, our common food has metallic residues.. from pepsi to cabbage..grapes..apples all r contaminated)
Food and sleeping patterns ( healthy protein and zinc, magnesium rich food, regualr sleeping pattern and 8 hours of sleep is a must )
sleeping system ( beds / blankets need to be dried in sunlight once in 15 days minimal)
inhygenic air and water ( we in india have it every where)
Blood flow ( massage in ur scalp mild)
are major while there are other factors like age, vigour content and sex.