Is There A Wrong Way To Pray?

Is there wrong prayer?

Belief, and Hope, and Faith must play an enormous part in any prayer, especially if our need and desire is to have God answer in our favor for what we pray for.

JOHN: 14: 6-7:

Jesus replies directly to Thomas and the apostles:

(6) "I am the way, the truth, and the life: No man cometh unto the Father, but, by me."

(7) "If ye had known me you should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and, have seen him."

In verse 6, as Christians we know and believe that Jesus is teaching us that He and only He, is recognized by Our Father God, to be "Intercessor" through prayer for any request from God.

Jesus earns this priviledge by remaining obedient to The Father and The Father’s Will, as Jesus permits Himself to be sacrificially crucified for the redemption of all mankind. It is because of this obedience that Jesus is raised up, raised up above all beings in the heavens, on the earth, and under the earth becoming "King" over all, and it is because of this selfless act of obedience that God empowers Jesus.

In verse 7, Jesus is telling us that, God and Jesus are one and the same. Both are God.

God himself verifies Jesus as His Son when Jesus is baptized by John in the Jordan.

MATTHEW: 4: 17; "And lo, a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased."

It is because Jesus was empowered by Our Father God, after Jesus Resurrection with such powers, that it is only fitting that when we pray, asking for anything, we "Must" pray through the power of Jesus. Personally in my mind, it would be an insult an afront to God and Jesus not to pray this way especially if we are asking God for something.

In my daily prayer life , I am constantly in conversation with God my Father, or, with Holy Spirit, and so long as I am merely in conversation, and not asking for God’s assistance in something, I chat directly, one on one, to either My Father, or, to the Holy Spirit. This too is okay, for I am not requiring any intercession from Jesus. There are even times that I turn to song, usually in my heart and mind, but periodically, also aloud. This too is praying.

The Holy Spirit imparted to me, that there are certain prayers that are prayed in a wrong way. Roman Catholics are famous for this sort of prayer.

They have a wrongful teaching, whereby they are taught that it is okay to pray to Mary, Jesus mother, or to some church declared "Saint", to act as an intercessor on their behalf, as they make petition to God for their needs, or the needs of loved ones, family or friends.

What they fail and refuse to understand, is what Jesus teaches, in JOHN: 14: 6. Mary, though the mother of Jesus holds no favor with Jesus. Yet, Catholics would believe that because Mary is Jesus earth mother she holds some special influence with Jesus. This is so wrong. And then what is worse, they extend this same wrongful believing power to those they call "Saints" believing that they too have influence to get Jesus attention in answering prayer.

Jesus makes this abundantly clear in:

MATTHEW: 12: 48-50; MARK: 3:33-35; And LUKE:8: 19-21.

Few people know that they can pray directly to the Holy Spirit. Each time I write for God one of my evangelizing hubs like this one, I pray directly to the Holy Spirit, who I also acknowledge as My "Brother", just as Jesus is My "Brother", and I ask Holy Spirit to guide my thought and my words, as I do the typing. Since I receive the inspiration from Holy Spirit, for whatever topic, it’s a no-brainer to ask directly, for His guidance and God’s truth.

Few people also fail to understand, that it is perfectly okay to question God on any subject. He will not be upset and will welcome our questions so he can explain his thoughts for us more clearly.

So in answer to my opening question, is their "Wrong Prayer" the answer is "Yes" there is, but, as we know, God answers all prayer. Does this mean that God hears and answers "Wrong Prayer"? "Yes" God does, but how God answers, only God knows. His will be done.



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