Is weight loss surgery a cop out from addressing an issue with food?

Does weight loss surgery give individuals a cop out from putting forth the effort to exercise? In the battle of weight issues in this day and age medical science is offering those who struggled to lose weight, but is it really as effective as they make it? It seems as if the people who get the surgery don’t want to do what it takes to take the weight off without surgical and medicinal intervention. The percentage of people out here today are getting gastric bypass, but you also have the option of getting the lap band procedure which is not resorting to stomach stapling, but what’s hard is the fact that some think they can go back to their lifestyle before the operation when many are not ready to accept a full lifestyle change after investing $30,000-35,000 for the surgery.
How many of you think that Star Jones-Reynolds had surgery to lose her weight? When she didn’t reveal how she did it which kind of left people the impression that she had surgery to lose the weight when as a public figure she would have helped someone else who struggled with weight to find a role model who did it naturally. It seems as if today’s world thinks the problem can be solved by popping a pill or getting an operation to fix the problem when it’s a full lifestyle change that people need to be committed to living by. Meaning they have to understand that they have to break habits in eating and incorporate exercise, and that you have to eat a certain way if you got the weight loss surgeries meaning you have a specific diet you have to maintain since gastric bypass surgeries require you to eat only roughly a cup of food and lap band you can only eat so much. The complications are from people not following the doctors’ instructions and the diet that was created for them.
Does counseling fare better to help people understand their issues with food and to incorporate a lifestyle that doesn’t consist of swallowing down dangerous medications and enduring painful operations to deal with an issue that should be treated with counseling. Is America’s weight problem due to a fact that people don’t like exercising and then when the eating gets out of control they resort to fixing the problem with medication and surgery instead of addressing the problem through a lifestyle change. You hear stories about how people allow their personal issues to balloon their weight out of control. It’s a point where personal accountability has to come in and you have to decide that you are going to assume responsibility for one’s condition and it’s a choice to change and adopt a new lifestyle and living by that and not cheating oneself on eating and exercising.
Many people who option for this realize that they allowed their weight to get out of control, but Americans don’t want to really be honest with the fact that we do have a problem with food and how much we consume since portion sizes are out of control and many of the shows that show people who are morbidly obese discuss how they were emotional eaters and many of them being the size they are don’t want to admit or be real with themselves that they have a problem with food and aren’t motivated to want to go to a full lifestyle change. What some people are not really paying attention to is that you have to maintain yourself after having weight loss surgery since gastric bypass is permanent.
You can only eat so much because there are cases where someone had this operation and they go back to their normal eating habits and ended up rupturing their stomach when they have to eat what they’re instructed by the doctor and the dietician during the post op and follow up phase after the operation. Those who option for the lap band have been noted to rupture those too when they resort to their regular eating pattern and not by the diet and instructions set by the dietician and the doctor during the post op and follow up phase. Some people are not ready for a full lifestyle change and committing themselves to whatever it takes to maintain it whether it be exercise or changing their diet. It’s a hard thing for people since American society tends to celebrate with food and not being aware that some things people simply can’t just eat since it’s not good for them. People need to be taught to say this “if you can’t pronounce it DON’T EAT IT” since that’s the thing when you see something and it looks good, but if you look at the ingredients and you see things you can’t even pronounce in your own vocabulary then you have no business eating it because you won’t have any idea what you’re putting into your body. It’s like that old Breyer’s ice cream commercial where they had to do subtitles when they had kids reading ice cream boxes trying to pronounce things like Polysorbate 80 and Nitrotriglycerides, and Xanthan Gum. These sound like tongue twisters, but seriously would you want to be eating this kind of stuff and you can’t even pronounce half of it.
Half the junkfood that people consume have these additives in it and contributes to the problematic weight gain in today’s society. If we want to see less additives and preservatives in the food we need to demand that the food companies start considering healthier choices with natural ingredients not preservatives that keeps the shelf life. longer. If people lost the weight naturally you would see less of a need to rely on surgery to help you lose the weight.
We as Americans aren’t really going to admit that some of us do have a problem with food and addressing such issues. We don’t want to admit that some of this has been a struggle for a long time. When you look at Star Jones-Reynolds do you think she was an emotional eater? Most doctors who specialize in eating disorders can say yes her old appearance did say a lot that she was an emotional eater. I think the decision for her to do something about may have come from years of being told if she didn’t lose the weight she would develop serious health problems-mostly from health care professionals and it was also probably because she came to the realization on her own that she had a problem. It’s not an easy thing to face especially if you’re someone who’s experienced dealing with or recovering from an eating disorder.

It’s like alcoholism you have to take recovery one day at a time for you to recover from an eating disorder and it’s a struggle because we have to eat, but it’s all in steps and healing takes time and a lot of support to make it work.

Nafeesah Abdullah:
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