ISIS attacks Iranian embassy in Yemen


A few weeks ago the Caretaker of the Iranian Mission at the United Nations Mr. Gholam Hossein Dehqani called on the UN to press the member states to “stop providing financial aids to the al-Qaeda terrorist group”,  which claimed responsibility for the Wednesday suicide attack on the residence of Iran’s ambassador to Sana’a, according to a Fars news report.

In a letter to the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and the Security Council’s rotating chairman Muhammad Zain Sharif on Wednesday, Dehqani urged the UN to “show firm reaction to the terrorist attack on the Iranian embassy building in Yemen.”

He underlined the need to condemn the terrorist attack against the residence of the Iranian ambassador in Sana’a, Yemen, and urged the UN to press its member states to stop funding al-Qaeda terrorists.

Dehqani reminded the UN officials that it was not the first time terrorists took such actions against Iran’s diplomats and embassy buildings in Yemen.

He called on the United Nations Security Council to urge the Yemeni government to “punish the elements behind such terrorist acts.”

In a related report cnn is reporting that 6 people were killed in the attack against the Iranian ambassadors residence.

Source: Blast outside Iranian ambassador’s residence in Yemen kills 6 http://www.cnn.com/…/…/03/world/meast/yemen-blast/index.html

Note:  An explosion of a bomb in front of Iran’s ambassador’s residence in Sana’a on Wednesday killed two people, but the ambassador and employees of the embassy were not hurt. According to reports, Ambassador Hossein Niknam was not in the place when the blast occurred but part of the building was damaged due to the explosion.

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