Islamic State and other radical groups in Syria were once “employed by some Western countries”, Vladimir Putin confirms

An Islamic State group member in Syria just before a mass slaughter of people in 2013. Note the  US made M-16 assault rifle. Question: Where did that weapon come from. Sources say many of these US made weapons in Syria trace back to the US military and were in fact provided to the terrorists by the US government and its Middle Eastern allies covertly as part of an ongoing CIA led program to arm and train rebels to fight in Syria against  the regime of Bashar Assad. These same weapons are used by the rebels (many with ties to al-Qaeda) daily in mass atrocities and murders like the kind we see here. These people were later blown away and shot to death by the terrorists

On November 28, 2014 ahead of the state visit to the Republic of Turkey, President Vladimir Putin gave an interview to Anadolu Agency – there he made reference to the situation in Syria and the Islamic State group. During the brief interview Putin said something very interesting by confirming the fact that some Western countries (unnamed) once “employed”  the Islamic State group:

QUESTION: How do you assess the current state of affairs in Syria? Does Russia have any suggestions on how to speed up the settlement process in that country?

VLADIMIR PUTIN: The situation in Syria remains source of serious concern. And we are fully aware of the burden imposed on Turkey by the on-going violent conflict ravaging your neighbors. What is more, the main risk of further aggravation of the situation both in this country and in neighboring states stems from the activities of the so-called Islamic State and other radical groups that were once actively employed by some Western countries, which flirted with them and encouraged them.

We consider the fight against terrorists and extremists in the Middle East and North Africa, including naturally Syria, a region struck by upheavals, a priority task for the international community. We are convinced that the efforts to deter this threat should be based on the UN Security Council resolutions, strict compliance with international law, the principles of state sovereignty and non-interference in internal affairs of states in the first place. And what is important – this should be done transparently and without any hidden agenda.

We, for our part, will further support governments of Syria, Iraq and other regional states in countering extremists. On the whole, we believe it is important to address numerous regional problems comprehensively, based on an in‑depth analysis of threats existing in the Middle East and North African region in all their complexity. It is evident, for example, that the protracted Arab-Israeli conflict and the failure to settle the Palestinian problem are being employed by extremists in order to recruit new supporters, especially among young people.

From the very onset of the Syrian crisis Russian has consistently exerted efforts towards its peaceful political settlement by the Syrians themselves based on the Geneva Communiqué of June 30, 2012, meaning through internal dialogue without any preconditions or dictates from the outside.

We believe that the rise of terrorist groups in Syria and in the Middle East in general require consolidation of all robust forces of Syrian society – consolidation for the future of Syria as a sovereign, united, secular and democratic state where equal rights for all ethnic and confessional groups are guaranteed and everyone can enjoy peace and security.

We will continue to do everything necessary to help the Syrian people to overcome the tragic events and find peace and harmony as soon as practicably possible. This is the purpose of our contacts with the Syrian government, various opposition groups, our international and regional partners, including, of course, our Turkish colleagues.”

Source: Kremlin

See related video: See related video: We understand your burden, Putin tells Turkey over Iraq and Syria conflicts http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T4oksz2tKFg

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See report: Has the Obama administration ever armed ISIS with lethal weapons? Inquiring minds would like to know! https://groundreport.com/has-the-obama-administration-ever-armed-isis-with-lethal-weapons-inquiring-minds-would-like-to-know/

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