Israel will soon Meet Its Nemesis: Iran

Tehran, IRAN: Iranian President Mehmood Ahmadi-Najad, slammed the Israel’s attacks over civilian settlements in Gaza city and termed it a war crime and he said that they are killing the humanity.


The brutality that is Israel showing, as a matter of fact, reflects the cowardice, against the unarmed people of Gaza city.


Addressing a press briefing at Tehran, he urged the Muslims of the world to be united against the oppressors like America and Israel, however, he made a prophecy that Israel will soon meet its nemesis.


He urged the UN Security Council to pass a resolution against Israel and mount pressure on it to stop the violence against the poor, unarmed Palestinians and implement the 1993’s Oslo accord.


Yesterday after the attacks on Gaza city, the flares of anger spread through the Muslim world and today the protest Rallies were taken out all over the Muslim world likewise Lebanon, Jordan, Yemen and Pakistan whereas the protestors’ burnt the Israeli and American flags, chanted slogans against Israel and US.


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