Isreael closed its border with Hamas-controlled Gaza-strip today (Friday,18th Jan,008) as a retaliatroy measure to the crossborder racket-fire which prevented even U.N.Humanitarian supplies from getting into the Gaza-strip.
The U.N.Relief and Works Agency(UNRWA) notified that it was not allowed to deliver truckloads of humanitarian supplies and this was confirmed by the remarks of its spokesman, Mr.Christopher Gunness, that Gaza is completely shut down and this would only add to a dire situation.
This action by Israel was to send a signal to Hamas that it nees to contemplate if it wants to continue with the situation. Thought the meaning as per Israel is not to starve the population of Gaza, yet this is what exactly the action is aimed at.
Prior to this, on Friday morning, atleast one militant in the northern Gazastrip was killed by an Israelu Airstrike. The Isreali Primeminister, Mr.Ehud Olmert on Thursday vowed to wage a war on militants.However, he did not indicate of a large scale ground operations.
However, the Palestinian Abbas Government has condemned the Israeli operation by terming it a slap in the face to efforts by George W.Bush to achieve a peace-treaty by year end.
In the context of escalating violence, the fate of peace-treaty hangs in balance.
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