It is my turn now, Pakistan asks for Ajmal Qasab

Islamabad: Pakistan has completed the probe of the Mumbai terrorist attacks and soon the report would be released, according to media reports.


Eventually, Pakistan wants the access to Ajmal Qasab, a Pakistani national, according to Indian media and the Indian investigation reports.


The report also says that Pakistan wants to interrogate the Ajmal Qasab and his Indian accomplices.


As a matter of fact, Pakistan wants the India to handover the Mumbai terrorist attacks’ suspect, Ajmal Qasab and he would face the charges here inside Pakistan, according to Pakistani law.


The report says that the Mumbai terrorist attacks were planned, neither in Pakistan nor in India but in some other country.


At last, there are some notions were seen from the Indian politicians like Narinder Modi saying that the Mumbai terrorist attacks were not possible without an inner hand.


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