Bollywood actor Kareena Kapoor is now going on endorsement spree. As brand endorsements are flooding her doorstep, after a hair strengthening shampoo she’s now the face of a hair removal cream.
With all the money flooding in with the brand endorsements Bebo(Kareena) seems to be quite a spendthrift. "I think I am spending more than saving," says Kareena.
Talking about her hectic work life, she says that ever since Jab we met, she has been hopping on from studio to the other. "I love the rush. I am enjoying this phase," she adds.
Kareena told CNN-IBN, that actor Saif Ali Khan is so love struck that he cannot stay a minute away from Bebo. However, to cut the distance short amid hectic schedules and to stay connected, he seems to have given her a laptop as a gift. However, when you ask her about her latest possession, she seems to shy away. "I am sorry. No personal questions, please," she says.
Workaholic Bebo, seems to be happy with her current occupation and her busy schedules and timelines. "There is a whole lifetime left for love and for family. At the end of the day, it is work that keeps us all going," says Kareena.