Ms.Rowling the most successful author of Potter books has admitted in an interview with Adeel Amini a young journalist who writes for an Edinburgh University Magazine that she had contemplated suicide when she was struggling as a single mother subsequent to the breakdown of her first marriage.
This is the first time she has admitted in public that she was tormented by suicidal thoughts on account of poverty and depression to which she was pushed because of the collapse of her marriage with Jorge Avauntes a Portuguese Journalist. She desisted from such a move because of her daughter and the need to live for her made her to seek professional help.
She felt that she would commit an irrepariable injustice to her daughter who anchored her will to live. She was the one who had grounded and earthed and today I am happy that I was pulled from the brink.
However, she was not ashamed of being depressed. Having come out of it, she is proud of it. Her Revelation has come as a major boost to mental health campaigners who had welcomed her coming out open in the public admitting and hailed her as a role model.
She wrote her first book of the Potter series sitting in a Cafeteria in Edinburgh because of lack of space in her cramped flat. Th her books briefing translated in more than 60 languages and selling 400 million copies, her present personal wealth is estimated at 545 Million Pounds.
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