Jenna Bush, Soon To Be Mrs. Henry Hager

Soon, Jenna Bush, the daughter of current US President George W. Bush will be wed to Henry Hager. Hager is the son of a well influential Republican from Virginia. The wedding of Jenna Bush and Henry Hager will soon take place on President Bush’s ranch that is near Crawford, Texas. The ranch is about 1,600 acres.

On April 24 during an interview with CNN’s Larry King, Jenna Bush explained that the wedding will be big. At the same time, it will be “small.” Those attending the weddings are mainly relatives and close friends. While this wedding will make headlines, it will be a closed wedding. That would possibly mean that press is not allowed. In this respect, Bush is keeping politics separate from what should be the happiest day in the life of Jenna Bush.

Also in that interview, Jenna Bush said she has been focused on writing children’s books. Both she and her mother and wife to President Bush, Laura Bush, were asked about the current state of the presidential races. While Laura Bush has given her endorsement to presumed GOP nominee Senator John McCain of Arizona, Jenna Bush said she did not know who she was going to support.

This may give off the indications that Jenna Bush might be showing signs of dissent. However, she said that she has been busy working on her books to keep track of the races.

There is a high chance that Jenna Bush will remain in the headlines for a good while. Jenna has her children’s books and the wedding. However, the honeymoon is a different story.

It is unknown where the honeymoon will take place. But, one can assume that many will be looking for the location on where Jenna and Henry’s honeymoon will be. Unfortunately, due to Bush’s job approval rating, it could put a damper on the honeymoon.

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