A black log jump sportsman Jessie Owens was one of the competitors in Olympic Games.
The Olympic Games were being held in Germany in 1936. The dictator of Germany, Adolph Hitler, was full of racial pride and hated sportspersons of other races. He thought that German sportspersons. Would win more medals and the Blacks should not win over Germans.
The competition in long jump began. A black sportsman, named Jessie Owens was one of the competitors. He faulted in the first attempt though he struggled hard and jumped. He failed with second attempt also. He was trying for the final attempt. If he misses that chance he would be out of that event. Then friendly hand touched his shoulder. He was Luz Lung, a German ling jumper. He was competing with Jessie Owens. He was not afraid of Hitler. He said to Owens, `Jessie, you are a great athlete. Try your best boldly. You will definitely win the gold medal,’ in an encouraging manner.
Jessie Owens felt encouraged and did his best and won the gold medal in the long jump. He thanked Luz Lung profusely and said Luz Lung’s sportsman spirit made him happier than the gold medal.
The entire world praised Luz Lung who was not afraid of the dictator of his country and who encouraged a black sportsman to win the log jump.
The difference between religions, caste, male and female, the rich and the poor should ot come in the field of sports.
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