Jesus was “white”, says Kelly

Jesus was “white” according to Megyn Kelly – the bubble headed blond new anchor for Fox News TV.

Megyn Kelly, the incredibly good looking blonde bombshell who works for Fox news as an anchor-  issued a declaration this week that upset many people, by saying Jesus was white.

Kelly is also white – so Jesus must look like her – right?

She raised the issue of the skin color of Jesus, while discussing the fact that in her mind Santa was white and always will be white.

Her remarks were deemed insensitive to black people across the country, although in most popular depictions Jesus and Santa are “white.” But to say that nowadays is politically incorrect.

The New Testament describes Jesus as a Jew, but says nothing about what Jesus looked like, although he is often depicted as a white man with blond or chestnut colored hair. Nothing however could be farther from the truth. As a Jew Jesus would have had a dark complexion and black hair – not blond or brown.

The incident raises the question of skin color to the forefront in American based entertainment news reporting, which is often baseless in fact.

Kelly then issued a half hearted apology by describing her statements as “tongue-in-cheek” and misunderstood.

“The fact that an off-hand jest I made during a segment about whether Santa should be replaced by a penguin has now become a national firestorm says two things,” Kelly said.

“Race is still an incredibly volatile issue in this country, and Fox News, and yours truly, are big targets for many people.”

See related report: Off handed remark by Fox news anchor kicks of debate as to Jesus skin color http://www.deseretnews.com/article/865592498/Off-hand-remark-by-FOX-host-sparks-debate-on-Jesus-race.html

See also: Anglo Saxon Jesus http://www.christianidentitychurch.net/anglo1.htm

Justin A: Learn more about me here:

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