Shamsher Singh Manhas said that the recent decision of the Congress-led UPA on LPG has witnessed widespread resentment and anger through out the country but the Union government is adament on it making it a prestige issue. In our state the situation is more worse as the LPG consumers are being harassed on the name of re-verification of the documents. Appreciating the steps being taken by BJP ruled states for the consumers, Manhas said that Gujrat Chief Minister Narinder Modi has completed 75 per cent work of laying of gas pipe, but unfortunately the UPA government has created hurdles in its completion. He said that Narinder Modi has assured of saving 3.5 crore of gas cylinders and rupees 5.5 thousand crores as subsidy besides making the LPG available to every kitchen through pipe round the clock. It could not be digested by Congress as a result of which the mega project has been made to come to a stand still. He asked the party activists to be more active and reach the masses to make them aware of the anti-people policies of the UPA, which has only one agenda and that is to mint as much money as can be in minimum time.
Meenakshi Lekh said that the pleasing slogan —“Congress ka haath, gareeb ke saath” has turned out to be now reaching the throat and pocket of aam aadmi. Today a common citizen cannot arrange even 2-time meal for the family as the prices of all the food items have gone manifold high and the decision to make hike in the price of LPG has added more problems. She said that the UPA has obviously turned an aadmi to aam (mango). This government has taken juice and pulp of aam (mango) and left the seed, assuming it as waste, which is very unfortunate. She said that the people had elected Congress-led UPA government with the hope of getting peace, security and minimum basic amenities at the reachable charges but it has been now witnessed that even the staunch supporters of Congress are criticizing it for taking anti-people decisions aimed at benefitting a handful of big business houses and its senior leaders. She said that in these days of Hindu “shradhs”, when people are remembering their elders and ancesters in very noble way, they are performing shradhs of the Congress-led UPA by burning its effigies which is the extent of anger against Congress and shame for it.
Sakina Bano questioned the Congress leadership to explain as to how six cylinders in 12 months can meet the needs of the joint family comprising of 20-30 members. The Congress has directly attacked on the life of a poor consumer by making hike and capping the number of subsidized cylinders. She said that the BJP Mahila Morcha has been continously agitating over the issues which have been affecting the common man and declared that it shall further intensify its agitation on the issue of LPG.
The proceedings of the dharna were conducted by Mahila Morcha State General Secretary Priya Sethi, who gave a brief of the political activities of the morcha under taken on certain burning issues from time to time.
Morcha Vice-president Raj Rani Jamwal and Distt. President Anju Dogra presented vote of thanks.
Later, Meenakshi Lekhi, alongwith other leaders of the morcha submitted a memorandum to the Governor on the issue.
Suresh Jamwal, Usha Choudhary, Purnima Sharma, Mamta Singh, Shilpi Verma, Raj Rani Jamwal, Priya Sethi, Vimla Padha, Anju Dogra, Anuradha Charak, Parveen Arora, Saroj Gupta, Vidhya Devi, Bholi Devi, Shanti Devi, Neha, Rekha Kumari, Pooja Devi, Shankuntla Devi, took part in the protest dharna.
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