Jammu, May 27 (Scoop News) –Accusing the J&K Chief Minister of seeking unwarranted mileage by making hasty, judgemental and politically loaded comments on the most inhuman Maoist attack in Chattisgarh, BJP J&K Chief Spokesperson and National Executive Member Dr Jitendra Singh said here today that the Chief Minister would do well to first make his stand clear visa vis security management in his own State and while constantly harping on the theme of partial withdrawal of AFSPA (Armed Forces Special Powers Act) from certain areas, he would do well to explain what strategy he has to suggest if, for instance, a militant strikes in an area where AFSPA is in force and then, to evade arrest,the same militant flees to seek shelter in an adjoining area where AFSPA is not in force.
Dr Jitendra Singh also took exception to the Chief Minister’s unsolicited remarks as to why the Opposition is not demanding any resignations over the IPL scandal and said the Chief Minister is welcome to take a high moral ground on the issue but since charity begins at home, he must start by first asking for the resignation of the National Conference and Congress leaders on the panel of BCCI (Board of Cricket Control in India).
Expressing concern over evidence regarding the Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) militants in J&K being equipped with hi-tech gadgetry, Dr Jitendra Singh said that several intercepted messages have revealed that these militants are using VOIP (Voice on Internet Protocol) technology for communication in order to escape the possibility of their cell phones or telephones getting tapped and therefore, instead of seeking college debating points, the coalition government should better concentrate on more serious issues of immediate concern to J&K rather than advising on issues related to other states.
Dr Jitendra Singh said that even though the number of militants operating in the State may have gone down, their hi-tech preparedness has kept their lethal or striking capacity undiminished and this is a matter of concern particularly when this is tourist season going on in Kashmir.
The National Conference-led coalition Govt, because of its alliance with Congress party which is also heading the government at the Center, is better placed than most other governments in other states to show a superior performance and that is precisely what is expected of it, he added.
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