Job Interviews: Where both can win

Job Interviews
Author: Walter Vieira
Language: English
ISBN: 9788178061573
Pages: 148
Price: Rs. 150.00
Publisher: Unicorn Books

The norms that we were used to, have changed in the 21st century. Today, the Interviewer needs the Interviewee; as much as the Interviewee needs the job! The Interviewer is not always in a superior position, as in the past. In some industries, there is a great shortage of qualified candidates.

The Interviewee has many more choices than the Interviewer! Job Interviews, where both can win is an attempt to present an easy to read book, for those on either side of the table. For those who have to hone their interviewing skills to select the best candidates and ensure Corporate Success and for those who will appear for job interviews so that they not only get a job but they get more – they get Career Satisfaction!

This book intends to fill that need. To build a bridge of communication, understanding, and appreciation for each other’s situation.

It is written in Walter Vieira’s inimitable style – simple, to the point, a sense of humour, and relying on his vast experience of over forty years as a corporate executive and then, a leading management consultant. It guides the Interviewer on how to get the right person. It shows the Interviewee how to get the right job. When this happens, it is a WIN=WIN situation for both.

Walter Vieira has spent 14 years as a corporate executive with leading multinationals; and 33 years as a management consultant working with multinationals, large Indian conglomerates, medium sized businesses; Central & State governments, NGOs and the social sector.

He has pioneered marketing consultancy in India; and training and consultancy in cross cultural issues in global marketing; as well as management of NGOs.

He has worked across countries and culture over a 30 year period from USA, Europe, Africa, South and South East Asia. Apart from being Chairman of ICMCI – the world apex body of management consultants; he was the founder Chairman of the Asia Pacific Conference of Management Consultants; and the first President of the Institute of Management Consultants of India.

 If interested to buy online. please visit: http://www.pustakmahal.com/book/book/bid,,9417D/index.html

Binay Srivastava: I am a feature writer on global affairs and work as an editor in a publishing house in New Delhi, India. I enjoy reading books and review those that interest me.
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