Judges In India Needs Techno-Legal Training

Law is an ongoing process and so is its adjudication process. This mandates that lawyers and judges must keep themselves abreast of the latest and contemporary legal arenas.
Globally, cyber law and other technology laws have posed difficulties before the lawyers and judges to understand and apply these technology laws effectively.
Cyber law of India has also posed such difficulties before the lawyers and judges in India. Even the law enforcement has found it difficult to tackle the cyber crimes effectively and mostly they try to evade registering cyber crimes.
Even if these cyber offences have been registered, most of the judges do not understand the fine details of these cyber laws. Worst of them all is the fact that even if a cyber crime case is accepted in a court of law, there are very few cyber crime convictions in India. This shows the present cyber crime prevention and enforcement conditions in India.
The solution seems to be to educate and train police force, lawyers and judges in India. As far as judiciary in India is concerned, there is an emergent need to provide Techno-Legal Training to judges in India as soon as possible.
Judicial hierarchy in India is three tiers in nature. On the lowest rung is the District Court, then comes the High Courts and finally the Supreme Court of India. The maximum numbers of judicial officers are at the lowest rung and it would be a gigantic task to educate and train them in technology laws. They also play the most important role in the justice dispensation of India. For these reasons, it is absolutely necessary to start training of judicial officers from the lowest rung to the highest tier.
No numbers of judicial reforms can succeed till the judicial officers are well versed in contemporary laws and technology laws are proving this concept. It is high time that India must do the best it could do in this regard.
Priyanka Sharma: I am techno-legal freelance writer. My areas of interest include cyber law, cyber security, cyber forensics, e-governance, e-commerce, techno-legal issues, etc. In particular I am very much interested in reporting news, views and opinions regarding the use of information technology for legal and judicial purposes and formulation of policies and strategies to achieve the same. I am a writer at many news platforms and contribute articles in techno-legal field at regular basis. My priority is to cover those issues and areas that have either skipped the attention of mainframe media or have been deliberately ignored.
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