Kalam inaugurates Children’s Science Congress

Kalam inaugurates Children’s Science Congress

Jammu, February 04, (Scoop News)- “Children have hard wired ability to be creative, imaginative and innovative that often diminishes along the way and these inherent capabilities have to be identified and encouraged to have a new breed of innovative thinkers who are more prepared to address future challenges of our world”, said the former President of India, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, adding that teachers and parents are the entertaining resources in the classroom and at home and have a good potential in creating a vibrant young force which would realize our dream of a Developed India.
Dr Kalam was addressing children after inaugurating Children’s Science Congress today, on 2nd day of 101st Indian Science Congress being held here at Jammu University.
Apart from 3500 students from 22 schools of Jammu division, 2 child scientists from each state of the country faculties, scientists, research scholars, academicians and doctors from across the country participated in the Congress.
The former president said that in the ever changing 21st Century life, everything demands innovative, out of the box thinking. He said it is the education that should focus on fostering innovation by putting curiosity, critical thinking, deep understanding, the rules and tools of inquiry and creative brainstorming at the center of the curriculum. He said teachings should be on the concept based using knowledge and resources to teach ideas and deep understandings.
Dr Kalam said that forming a team and developing them as collective thinkers will make them to yield innovative products. He said children should be innovative themselves, adding that this will make them to come out of the rigidness of the system and help them to find the passion and resources necessary to design a better life for themselves and others.
APJ Abdul Kalam, popularly known as missile man of India, said that a nation’s economic development is powered by competitiveness while competitiveness is powered by knowledge and knowledge power is powered by technology. He said technology is powered by innovation while technology and innovation are powered by resource investment. He said innovation opens up new vistas of knowledge and new dimensions to our imagination to make everyday life more meaningful and richer in depth and content, innovation is born out of creativity.
Prof Arun Kumar, General Secretary (Scientific activities) ISCA presented welcome address whileas keynote lecture was delivered by Prof Yash Pal.
Prof Pankaj Srivastava briefed audience about the objective of the programme while Dr Santosh K Kumari gave special lecture.
Prof Naresh Padha also spoke on the occasion while Er. N.B. Basu presented vote of thank on the occasion.
Vice Chancellor, Jammu University, Prof M. P. S. Ishar speaking on the occasion said Dr Kalam wants to see the country among developed countries. He said the need of the hour is to increase the knowledge among students and motivate them towards scientific and technological innovations to enable them to serve the nation.
Dr Kalam presented awards to Dr Serin and Dr Bamba for their contribution in the field of science. He also presented Infosys-ISCA Travel Awards among 8 students.
Later, Dr Kalam also released a booklet of abstracts.

Scoop News: Jammu and Kashmir
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