Karnataka Elections

The media is playing a notable role in the ensuing elections to the karnataka assembly.Every little thing is reported to a wide audience because there are more than half a dozen news channels , most of them in local language. so the reach is more and the message is interspersed with entertainment material. A politician who has made the maximum use of media for staying in the limelight is Vatal Nagaraj, a former MLA and Kannada activist. There have been several others too.Every political do isreported in length and with catchy visuals. The congress, for instance, got fine coverage for the discovery of India tours of Rahul Gandhi in Karnataka. The soliga tribals of BR hills were thrilled to see him, a fair representative in fair colours. To the tribals who had not seen such fair complexioned persons, it was a visual treat. And for the congress party hopefully a vote catching device.

Some of the politicians come off worse for the exposure. One need not take names but the politicians have a long way to go in claiming media mileage.It is an art perfected by a national party.others lag behind.

Though the election calendar is yet to be announced as I write this, it is slated for May.Some parties have entered the scene and as a prelude to the campaign are organising rallies of selected groups. Like agriculturists, artisans etc.There are also some permutations and combinations. What the media could do is to confront the erstwhile allies on what went wrong. And on what they intend to do about avoiding such a situation. The Bharatiya Janata Party , for instance, could claim to be the victim of broken promises. The congress could claim to be a victim of somebody’s machinations. What differentiates the media coverage here from others is the absence of court martial like sessions where rivals face each other. This is understandable. Because it is a different type of election.

The unfortunate fact is that the media has not improved in quality coverage.only the quantity has increased. That too because the message as well as the visuals are repeated ad nauseum.

M S Ramamurthy:
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