KASC Accepted Into ASPAP

KASC, with its curricular offering AB in Public Administration (in the baccalaureate level) and Master of Public Administration (in the graduate school), has formally become part of the Association of Schools of Public Administration in the Philippines (ASPAP).

The membership of KASC entitles its Public Ad instructors and professors to take advantage of training that the association gives to members. In fact, Mr. Jeremias Ammakiw attended the international conference, entitled “Public Administration and Governance at the Forefront of Change: Dimensions, Dynamics, Dysfunctions and Solutions,” last December 5-7.

The affair, which was jointly organized with the UP- National College of Public Administration and Governance (UP-NCPAG) and the Network of Asia-Pacific Schools and Institutes of Public Administration and Governance (NAPSIPAG), provided a venue for discussion and sharing of knowledge and experiences in dealing with the dimensions, dynamics and dysfunctions of development challenges and concerns.

“It was during the conference when I submitted to ASPAP our proposal for The First Forum on Good Governance for the City of Tabuk” Mr. Ammakiw said. “which was accepted and approved with enthusiasm. Atty. Daniel Fariňas, Vice-Mayor of Baguio and the Dean of the College of law of UB, even expressed his desire to be invited to the forum.”

Tentatively scheduled on March 2008, the forum might even open doors for a series of similar activity in the region which ASPAP-Cordillera is currently considering. The project is the result of the collaborative efforts among College President Eduardo Bagtang, Extension Director Maximo Garming, Graduate School Dean Marymina Odiem, Institute of Arts and Sciences Dean Joy Grace Doctor, and IAS Extension Coordinator Jeremias Ammakiw.

Membership in ASPAP is open to any school – public or private – offering public administration/management education programs. Currently, the association has 120 member schools covering the country’s regions from Northern to Southern Philippines.

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