We know that SMS stands for short message service. But many of us attempt long passages. This may be avoided.
We can shorten messages through the use of abbreviations, contractions and codes, thereby saving time. These can be used for Internet chat as well. Those who communicate with one another frequently will know these abbreviations.
AAR: at any rate
ADD: address
ADN: any day now
AEAP: as early as possible
AFAIC: as far as I am concerned
AFAIK: as far as I know
AFK: away from keyboard
AKA: also known as
ASAP: as soon as possible
ASL: age, sex, location
ATK: at the keyboard
AYEC: at your earliest convenience
B4: before
B4N: bye for now
BAK: back at keyboard
BBIAM: be back in a minute
BCOZ: because
BFN/B4N: bye for now
BRB: be right back
CMON: come on
COZ: because
CU: see you
CUL: see you later
DIKU: do I know you?
DNO: don’t know
DQMOT: don’t quote me on this
DW: don’t worry
EC: easy
EMA: e-mail address
FAQ: frequently asked questions
FYI: for your information
G2CU: good to see you
GD: good
GIGO: garbage in, garbage out
GL: good luck
GMTA: great minds think alike
HAND: have a nice day
HRU: how are you?
HV: have
IAC: in any case
IC: I see
IDAWTC: I don’t agree with that comment
IDK: I don’t know
IDTS: I don’t think so
IDUNNO: I don’t know
IIRC: if I remember correctly
ILBL8: I’ll be late
IMHO: In my humble opinion
IMS: I am sorry
IUSS: if you say so
KIT: keep in touch
L8R: later
LTNS: long time no see
NLT: not later than
NVM: never mind
OIC: oh I see
OMG: oh my God
PCM: please call me
PLMK: please let me know
PLS: please
RUOK: are you okay?
SC: stay cool
SIT: stay in touch
SPK: speak
SRY: sorry
STW: search the Web
SUL: see you later
TAFN: that’s all for now
THX: thank you
UR: your/you’re
WUCIWUG: what you see is what you get