Ken Falke Makes HillVets 100 List and Boulder Crest Retreat Wins Nonprofit of the Year Award



Boulder Crest Retreat announces Founder and Chairman, Ken Falke on the HillVets 100 list for 2016, and the Retreat is recognized as the Nonprofit of the Year Award for innovation in the mental healthcare area. This is the second annual HillVets 100 event.  HillVets chooses from a pool of veterans’ nation wide and 100 people make the distinguished list of those making a significant difference in the lives of our nations veterans.

“I am personally honored and humbled to make this very prestigious list and more honored by the selection of the Retreat as the best nonprofit of the year,” explains Ken Falke, chairman and founder of the Boulder Crest Retreat. “Our mission is to change the way our country deals with veterans with combat stress and post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and I know our PATHH program is leading this change.”

“When the HillVets 100 selection committee looked at which nonprofits are making the biggest impact for veterans, Ken Falke and Boulder Crest Retreat jumped out right away. As the nation’s first privately-funded rural wellness center dedicated exclusively to our nation’s combat veterans and their families, BCR’s impact is undeniable,” explained Justin Brown, founder of HillVets. “Choosing just one winner for our Nonprofit of the Year Award was challenging, but we are proud to highlight the work of Boulder Crest Retreat. The issue of mental health is of utmost importance to the veterans’ community, and BCR’s innovative approach is a game changer. It’s an incredible place doing incredible things for incredible people.”

The Retreat welcomes combat veterans who are active-duty, reserve and National Guard, veterans, family members and caregivers, and Gold Star Families. Boulder Crest Retreat is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization that is funded entirely by private donations by individuals and organizations from around the country. For more information about the retreat, please go to www.bouldercrestretreat.org. View a video about the Boulder Crest Retreat here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KztgmScOQLw.

Former Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel serves as Honorary Chair for the HillVets 100 event. He is also a Boulder Crest Retreat Honorary Board member.

“As an Honorary Board member of Boulder Crest Retreat, I am continually impressed by their innovative and strength-based approach to the combat stress recovery process,” says former Secretary Hagel. “The recognition from HillVets is well deserved and reflects an understanding that our nation’s combat veterans possess unique skills and abilities desperately needed here at home.”

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