If it isn’t to me, then I really hope it isn’t so. And I can assure you, it isn’t to me because if it were, I wouldn’t be updating a blog right now. I would still be in bed feeding grapes to Kim’s booty. I would be planning a day of more bed time. And I would already have the night planned, in bed. Paparazzi would hate me, there would be no more Kim at Ghost Bar in Vegas, now she would only be in bed where the only cameras would be from my film crew.
Lets look at what is being said.
OK! Magazine says, While no diamonds were shining on Kim’s ring finger, she did admit to OK! that things are getting serious. However, she added, “One thing I did learn from ‘07 was to try to keep it as private as possible so I’m trying to hold that close to my heart but I’m here with everybody that I love.”
Ugh. Sounds pretty incriminating. However, Reggie Bush had a pretty terrible year this year, hopefully she moves on to a newer, younger draft pick.
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