Categories: World

Kurt Westergaard’s Mohammed Cartoon: The Image Behind the Fury

Dutch illustrator Kurt Westergaard’s Mohammed cartoon is once again at the center of the news following the arrest of a 28-year-old Somalian man who tried to assassinate Westergaard and a police officer last night at 10 PM.

The Somalian man, who has ties to Al-Qaeda, is in custody and will be put to trial following an investigation by Dutch authorities.

Kurt Westergaard’s life has been in peril since he published a cartoon mocking the Islamic prophet Mohammed, an act considered gravely offensive by Muslims, who prohibit depicting any likeness of the religious figure. The Kurt Westergaard Mohammed cartoon, pictured below, was one of twelve published by a right-leaning Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten, but seen as the most objectionable.


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