I am sure you will be surprised if I say that Man is the only animal that is affected by boredom. Have you ever seen your dog being in a state of boredom? The fact is no animal is ever bored except man.
The chances are that higher the intelligence the greater is man’s boredom. The intelligent man is a thinker and spends most of his time thinking a lot. When you start thinking much you want to know the meaning of everything. He begins to delve into the greater meaning of all the things and subjects that interests him. Believe me, there is no real meaning for anything in this world including love.) When you find out that there is no real explanation and true meaning you get into a state of utter boredom. You will have reached a higher plane when no one will be of interest to you as they are unable to match your intelligence and relate intelligently to you, or so you think.
How to overcome boredom? There are many ways to get rid of your boredom. However, laughter is the best way of all. Remember man is the only animal that can laugh. May be that is why most intelligent men are humorous and quick witted. Needless to say they love laughter.
There are three types of laughter.
· Laughing at others.
· Laughing at yourself
· Laughing not at others, not at yourself, but at things in general.
The third type is the best kind of laughter.
Buddha’s laugh is a cosmic laugh and supposed to be the most effective laugh of the Universe.
Therefore, dear intelligent bloggers, please laugh loud and drive away your boredom.
Laughter is the best medicine of all in the world.
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