Lawari top blocked for alll type of vehicular traffic

Chitrali labor fall to death.

CHITRAL: A Chitrali labor who was working in an under construction
building at F-7/3 Islamabad was fall down from the roof of the
building and badly injured. He was rushed to Pakistan Institutes of
Medical Sciences (PIMS) hospital Islamabad but he succumbed to his
injuries and died  before reaching to hospital. The deceased was
identified as Daulat Hussain resident of Dewsar village of Yarkhun
valley the most remote and backward valley of Chitral. He was working
in an under construction building as a labor. His dead body would be
shifted to his native town for burial but due to continue rain and
snowfall at Lawari top (blocking for traffic) the bereaved families
facing some difficulties to shift his dead body to his native town. It
is merit to mention here that an other young labor had also died at
Islamabad last month who committed suicides but police were in the
opinion that the boy was murdered by his colleagues and they also had
arrested his fellows who were living in his room.

Chitral once again in grip of chilly weather and sever cold. Lawari
top blocked for all type of vehicular traffic.

Due to rain and snowfall on the peaks of mountains Chitral once again
remained in grip of sever cold weather on Monday and Tuesday.  The
only land route of Chitral Lawari top was blocked for all type of
vehicular traffic at 2. hours on Tuesday morning as a result hundred
of passengers were stranded at both sides (Dir and Chitral) who
waiting for its opening. Tehsil Nazim Chitral Sartaj Ahmad Khan while
talking to APP said that Lawari top blocked for all type of vehicular
traffic after snowfall on Monday night and essential edible things
could to supplied to Chitral timely. He demanded from high ups of NHA
to open the top and  release fund for clearance the road so as assure
supply of essential goods to Chitral.  Besides it a passenger van was
also faced to a road accident as its tire was removed due to traveling
in snow bound pass of Lawari top but luckily the driver success to
control the vehicle and the passengers were miraculously survived in
the accident.  A PPP leader  Wing commander retired Fardad Ali Shah
told APP on telephone from Dir that due to road accident and snowfall
at Lawari top passengers vehicle returned to Dir district  on Monday
Evening and they will try today on Tuesday to cross the Lawari top if
the weather allowed them. Hence Lawari top temporarily blocked for
vehicular traffic due to light snowfall. Besides it National Highway
Authority not allowed passengers to travel inside the tunnel which was
strongly criticized by District Nazim Maghfirat Shah and other
political leaders. They said that despite that the matter was decided
in  a high level meeting that Chitrali passengers would be allowed for
2 hours to travel in side the tunnel but even than they were not
allowed and returned. They demanded from the Federal government to
direct NHA high ups to allow Chitrali passengers for journey inside
the tunnel at least for 2 hours a day during the lunch break of
labors.  They also criticized longest load shedding by Wapda and
demanded for running diesel generator immediately to minimize duration
of 12 hours continueload shedding.
G.H. Farooqi PO Box NO. 50 GPO Chitral Pakistan phone No. 03025989602,
03469002167, 0943-302295, 414418
Email: gulhamad@gmail.com

G. H. Farooqui: Free Lance Journalist from Chitral Pakistan and Human Rights Activist as well as Social Worker and Registered Volunteer
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