Leading Edge Medical Unified Therapies to Treat Untreatable Conditions

Hong Kong-based Leading Edge Medical’s (LEMed) Science Advisory Board connects revolutionary medical technologies to develop relief treatments for debilitating ailments.

Hong Kong – The Science Advisory Board at LEMed (Leading Edge Medical, Ltd.), the Hong Kong-based specialist stem cell and laser therapy research and distribution group intends to combine revolutionary medical technologies to develop highly effective alternative treatments for a range of diseases and aliments.

Mr. Don Margolis, Managing Director at LEMed said, “The Science Advisory Board’s leading lights have spent much of the last few months in research and development mode and we believe that their efforts will contribute to the development of treatments for previously untreatable conditions and diseases including diabetes, liver and renal disease, tinnitus, heart disease and osteoarthritis.”

LEMed has positioned itself through both extensive internal research and strategic alliances as the go-to resource for authoritative and objective information, advice and treatment in the post-genomic era.

The Science Advisory Board includes such well-respected pioneers in stem cell research and treatment as Dr. Shimon Slavin and Dr. Roberto Fernandez Viña both of whom are convinced that unified adult stem cell and laser-based treatments will become as common and ubiquitous as laser eye treatments in the foreseeable future.

LEMed is committed to being at the forefront of regenerative medicine by packaging modern day best practices and technology across the globe. LEMed says it expects to contribute to the development of a widely-available treatment that will greatly bolster the fight against cancer with a DNA-based nanobot system that will deliver prepared adult stem cell treatments to affected areas in cancer patients without necessarily subjecting the patient to the rigor of chemotherapy.

“This branch of frontier medicine is proving to be extremely attractive to savvy investors, with LEMed investors ensuring widespread use of revolutionary regenerative therapy in treating diseases and conditions once diagnosed as untreatable,” concluded Mr. Margolis.
About Leading Edge Medical, Ltd.
Cellular medicine is revolutionizing medical treatment in the 21st century and Leading Edge Medical’s treatments are at the forefront of the field. Thousands of patients around the world have already benefited from bio-technologies using stem cells and intravenous laser therapy. Diseases once considered incurable are responding well to stem cell therapies and are restoring a quality of life to patients they thought they had lost forever.

LEMed is committed to applying modern day best practices to the growing field of regenerative medicine. With advanced medical treatment facilities offering personalized, ongoing care plans and the highest quality of customer service, we are dedicated to providing a better life for patients.

For more information contact:
Client Services Director: Jeffery Tobin
Leading Edge Medical, Ltd.
14F, 8 Hennessy Road,
China Hong Kong Tower,
Wan Chai 999077
Hong Kong

Jeffery Tobin:
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