Categories: Opinion

Learn from the scars and use your baton

The 15th general election of India for electing members of parliament for the lower house ‘The Lok Sabha’, is going on. The country is phased out for polling on different dates in a span of nearly a month starting from mid April to mid May. The 16th of May is the D-day for all the political parties, which are spreading their party manifesto and post election national agenda if they come in power.

What different is it any way going to be from the earlier elections?  Same all old national parties, regional parties and independent candidates, in the rat race for getting elected to ruin the fate of the country and fracture the verdict of voters. Political leaders with lost credibility, malicious background, and futuristic personal ambitions are in the fray. None of the leaders or say candidates in this election can vouch that they will do good to the country and to the people of the country. Even if some new faces may say so, but we all know, sooner or later they will be the part and parcel of the corrupt system which is inherited year after year.

Politicians have lied, misguided, and misled the people of the country in the past to get their vote and they are doing the same thing again. They are the culprit of creating false impression in the mind of the people to make believe on themselves by virtue of caste, class, religion, false hope of reservation, employment, and so many others. All said then done, the aspiration of common people is never met. Politicians always emotionally blackmail people with the sensitive issues, which are not important in their life.

As India’s majority population is educationally backward, politicians always gain advantage over these populations. Unfortunately the educated masses are disgusted to even caste their vote to any of the politicians.  They understand these politicians well that they are here to make their way and not taking care of the country or people of the country. They all have their own agendas but not people’s agenda. Well, not casting vote is another crime what the educated Indians have done so far. They suffer from the mania of neglecting this disgusting lot. But in reality they are helping these flocks to get to the power smoothly without any resistance. The educationally forward looking people have bigger responsibility to play. They not only have to caste their votes but tell others also whom to caste the votes. Sensitize people to understand the value of their votes to punish the bad politicians and bring the ones who can look after their aspirations.

We are going through the recession’s period. Our expected growth rate has fallen short of target. National security is bigger problem. Personal security is not guaranteed.  The people who come out in the middle to speak truth to help masses are killed mysteriously and butchered publicly. The IITian Satayendra Dubey who wanted to save nation’s wealth not letting it go to the goons and create national highway of quality was murdered. The fact is all known that the secret letter to the prime-minister leaked from his office and Mr Dubey lost his life. What a pity! The Prime- minister’s office is also not secured. The person who finds out pebbles and stones in the tanker of helicopter of Anil Ambani to prevent it from the sabotage commits suicide. It can not be digested. He is purely murdered but who will find out the real culprit.  The truth will never come into light.

Today’s agenda of the parties and politicians should be national security, personal security of the people, employment, health, transportation, and education. These were in the national agenda when India won freedom and still remains the agenda. Because, none of these, have been fully realized. We are a billion people nation mostly illiterate, unemployed, lack basic health care, the road to our home is always precarious, and we are prone to terrorist attacks anywhere and stabbed by anyone. The culprit roams scout free. We have not improved where we were rather have deteriorated with the passage of time.

Blame it on those who have ruled us. Blame it on the people who have largely believed on one family people to be the leaders of the country despite their unworthiness to the post of responsibility. Blame it on the leaders who have exploited people on the issue of caste, class and religion. Blame it on the leaders who use nation’s office for their personal benefit and allow the culprits to go unpunished.

Bofors Scam, Fodder Scam, Babari Masjid Demolition, and Godhara riots to name a few are the past deeds of the politicians and political parties. The mere talk of rebuilding Ram Temple and giving reservation to the minority on the basis of religion is the bigger part of the conspiracy to divide Indian people to depend on these politicians. The sober prime minister allows Ottavio Quattrochi and his wife to be free from accusation of receiving kickbacks in Bofors deal whereas the CBI has recorded proof available in their office. How does this weak man lead the strong nation? Can the remotely controlled prime-minister, wise man of economics, who dares to say that he can change the face of recession within three months in India, be believed?

This election has come at a time when there is more confusion in the minds of the voter but still larger chunk of the population thinks the older way. However, the impacts of old tactics are slowly getting diluted. The time is come to think one nation, equal opportunity, education for all, social justice, personal security and national growth. How many of us understand this. How many of us will learn the lesson from the past scars and use our batons to mend ways to change the fate of the nation and our own too?


Rama Kant Mishra: Primarily a Technical Communicator by profession. Citizen Journalism, blogging and other form of writings are my other obsessions. Contact: mishraramakant@gmail.com
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