Learning to write autobiographies and biographies

 Here is an extract from an autobiography

  1. The language used– simple, informal or formal?
  2. Whether expressed in first, second or third person.
  3. The content– what is it expressing- something personal or a report of an incident that has happened to someone else?


I remember the day my father bought me my first pet- a little white puppy! It was my ninth birth day. This was a present my parents had got for me. It was white-a white ball of fur with two black buttons for eyes and a tiny pink tongue!

I had always wanted a puppy. Soon I was taking it for walks, brushing its coat and feeding it thrice a day. We were inseparable!


You should have observed that:-

A). the language is simple yet expresses the inner most feelings of the writer.

B). the first person has been used here.

C). it is written in indirect speech.


In the same way now write in your note book a short autobiographical account of a memorable event/ incident from your life. The following hints could help you to plan out your piece.


  • An incident that you cannot forget. (could be a happy or a sad event)
  • Think of the people associated with the event.
  • Describe the feelings you experienced during the event.
  • Why the incident is such a memorable one.
  • Make it brief-do not exceed 100-125 words.
  • Paste a picture of yours or of the event in your notebook.


Here is chance for you to get to know your relatives and friends better. Think of any one family member you would like to know more about. Prepare a list of questions in your note book that you would like to ask him or her about her childhood. The questions could e as follows:-


  • Where did spend your childhood?
  • Which school did you go to?
  • Who played the most important role in your life?
  • Do you remember any interesting incident from your childhood?
  • What are the feelings that you experience when you look back in life?
  • What are the changes that you would like to make if you were given a chance to relive those days?


Based on their answered to these questions write a descriptive account of their childhood just as you wrote yours. When you write about other people’s memories it is called a biography. You could write two such biographies one of a family member and the other of a person who works for you (servant/ gardener/ watchman/ driver etc.)





Madugundu Krishna: English and Telugu writer. Hyderabad-India.
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