Their not taking our sides, and were bound to be outside ourselves while locked inside! Side by side, from outside but not in, I can see from their smiles, their not taking our sides.
All locked inside ourselves ahead of time, not ready for the country, locked in ankle chains, having the balls to escape, but can’t ankle balled twice!
Your ahead of us in spirit, but yet behind the times, in our future, we couldn’t have as time ran out. This is to say, as me, and I am alone, speaking for the many, from hearts failed, but not yet of soul! You can believe, the one dead at a time? Here’s the many at once, and it isn’t even true, as far as direct contact of the dead, but yet it is history!
Don’t be fooled by these, more than just, dead-heads! You need to help them more than they need to help you! Send them back to school to study history or something worth their time of soul! Make sure you send them before they send you! You could be on your way to a heavenly hell! Hell, sounds like help.
Don’t help yourself alone, if you plan on trying to help them! Make contact with the spirit that was dead but now lives for real, and has left the best go behinds, and stand in front of yous, without no fronts, or faults. Don’t be shaken up by the so called dead, but by the living! Life was meant to find more life freely, and God has left more than enough inside and out!
You who call upon the dead, I don’t regret to say, on yet still the one way! Aren’t you good enough of soul, to speak without trying to unrest and arrest their peace, like some unfit spiritual police?
The songs sung have more life than the so called dead you claim to hear! Aren’t you good enough to sing? If you could really contact the dead, couldn’t they sing through you by now? I hear words, and they are very lonely!
Your robbing yourselves of song, of talent, of life, the more and more you don’t think twice with the dead to life contact. Spiritual contact lenses won’t suffice, the words said or song without no soul you can call your own!
Use your souls while you still can! Don’t be a sold-out soul user, dressing this and that up as well as yourselves outside with hardly nothing inside! The old crystal ball, is like unto the ball and chain, and they who were chained and imprisoned don’t need your help now that they are free and free and deed! Fancy crystals balls, and balled-up lighting won’t suffice like the making of a new planet, so don’t plan on it, if you please!
God’s spirit is crying out through history, more than that of itself! The ones your trying to use now, like a new type of innocent slave, aren’t coming back! The Lord thy God, can come now to live in you through this same spirit! You can choose to not accept it, and he will return any-ways, but from without rather than within.
Don’t take God from just without, on that day, or you will surely be left behind! Go with God both inside and out, as it is the only way to fly! Old slavery is still around in the form of sin. Don’t be a slave to sin, as it well effect others you claim to love. God is alive, and since he lives, this is better than him deciding to leave the dead behind for you to contact. Let God live in you, and then he can be in even more of everywhere!
Dream, sleep, eat, walk, talk, for the live effect, and you won’t need the dead money or dead anything else, unless it’s the so called good fake flowers or what you might decide to have in your new thens, more than just now and then, we would hope! Sorry but I can’t speak for myself, in God alive!
You probably had or have lines memorized, and it’s a shame, as God’s spirit gives talent so freely when the talent leads to life, unto more life! Why kill yourselves, over and over with no one to really contact the real you? Your so busy trying to contact the dead, you can’t really live yourselves! The more than once try could come with the fish bites better! Take the good bites, and not the bites of hell’s hellos of the lowest of the dead type!
Bite me, and I’m more than just lovin it! God has made the way of escape! The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life. It’s taking to long, to be on the bad side of the moans and groans that can’t be uttered!
The double ball and chain was bad enough on just the one side of things! We don’t need the double ups on your crystal balls! Go into the jewelry business or something more worth wild! I wouldn’t throw my crystal balls away just like that if I had any though! I’d hallow mine out, and put the Jesus face inside, and turn them into church or what have you now more life lights! The tomb-stone may also be very well vased-faced, with your crystal balls hollowed out as well, into vases, to beautiful to put soil in perhaps!
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