The Lebanese government has vowed to crush the Islamic militants who are sowing chaos by recruiting new members and amassing weapons and ammunitions inside the Nahr el-Bared refugee camps near Tripoli.
As this developed, Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora has set his mind by seeking military aid from the United States as a means of beefing up the stock of arsenals that the Lebanese military has while it seriously battles the Islamic militants who are threatening the peace and order situation in the host country.
And caught in the crossfires are the refugees, particularly the women and children, who are believed to have fled the refugee camps on foot, bringing with them a few belongings. While others moved out aboard whatever vehicles they could have just to flee from the unrest that now plagued the once peaceful refugee camps, whose occupants heavily rely on dole outs and relief goods in order to survive.
Siniora could be right when he said that what the military was fighting the Islamic extremists group who now holed up themselves inside the refugee camps, and not the Palestinian refugees themselves. But many international observers are doubtful that the mass evacuation would only involve innocent refugees without the Islamic militants blending themselves with the evacuees to escape arrest.
This loophole must be taken into consideration by the military intelligence so as not to give them a bad surprise later. It’s like playing in a chess game, where each player must be three or five moves ahead in order to reach a stalemate.
Once and for all, the Lebanese government must also consider taming, if not removing, the Hezbollah group, if it wants to have complete peace in that country. Many are convinced that their existence inside Lebanon is endangering the lives of the people. Apparently, there is danger that they could again create unrest by attacking Israel targets.
In so far as the economy and political stability is concerned, Lebanon will not be at peace and so with the rest of the world, if Muslim extremists or other insurgents are there to create chaos. Of course, no peace-loving government would just ignore the problem but to battle them out in order to protect the lives of innocent people.
The internal strife in Lebanon is not uncommon in countries where Muslim extremists thrive. Perhaps, they have other motives other than religious fundamentalism which is now appeared to have been overused as a means to advance their ideology at the expense of the thousands of innocent people whose only purpose in life is to live in peace and harmony.
Ranking military officials have accused Syria of aiding the Fatah al-Islam and al-Qaeda factions in Lebanon. However, Syria denied the accusations.