Lebanon Will ‘Soon’ Have An Elected President

On Thursday, May 15, it has been announced that a president will be elected in Lebanon in a matter of “days.” Several days ago, it was raining bullets and shrapnel in the streets of the country’s capital of Beirut. Hezbollah had declared war against Lebanon’s coalition government for banning its telecommunications system.

In response, Hezbollah had “declared war.” A few days later, Lebanon’s Army had stepped in to keep the peace and the maintain security. Hezbollah forces had backed off but said it would continue its “civil disobedience.”

Lebanon’s coalition government accused Hezbollah of using the telecommunications system as a means to stage a coup in order to bring back the influence of Iran and Syria. US President George W. Bush had accused Iran and Syria for instigating the violence.

In the case of Lebanon’s presidential vote, it has been postponed numerous times by the parliament. It was originally set for December 11, 2007. But, it was still delayed. Back then, it was agreed that Army Chief General Michel Suleiman would take up the post as Lebanon’s President.

The United States and Syria have been at odds with each other in regards to Lebanon. US President George W. Bush and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad have accused each other of meddling in Lebanon’s business.

Bush accused Assad of housing Hamas and facilitating Hezbollah.

In the case of Lebanon’s election, the announcement was made by Shaikh Hamad Bin Jasem Al Thani, Qatar’s Prime Minister. He had led the mediation effort led by the Arab League to stop the internal fighting in Lebanon. Now, the coalition government and Hezbollah will undergo talks in Qatar.

Since November, the country has had no president. The elections continued to get delayed. It is now May and elections seem to be well on its way.

Can Tran:
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