It might be a subject you’re practiced in or it might be something you know nothing about – regardless of how you feel about it, what you know, or the hunches you have, understanding eCommerce strategy is a huge deal for companies this day in age.
The eCommerce industry is constantly evolving, and for those who don’t stay on the cusp of the innovations can expect to quickly fall behind. Winning over eCommerce customers is a difficult game, and one that takes plenty of logistical planning, marketing, and dedication. As a business operating in 2018, it’s important to sit down and ask yourself, “what exactly is my eCommerce strategy?” or “how can I improve myeCommerce strategy?”
In order to best explain successful eCommerce strategies, we took a look at two companies that are on the top o their eCommerce game, VeryVoga and JJ’s House. Here are a few eCommerce strategies that they implement and use to stay successful in their industries.
Creative Content Makes all the Difference
When it comes to getting people to care about your online, eCommerce shop, it’s got to be about more than just the products. Obviously, your products speak for themselves, but in a world where there are millions of the same thing for sale, you need to ensure that yours are standing out. How do you do this? With creative content, of course. Make sure that your eCommerce site is more than just a laundry list of the things youhave for sale. Boost your content, make it creative, and ensure that you’re setting your products apart. If you can, create buying personas and understand how to market your products to each of these types of people.
Don’t Underestimate the Power of the Video
This tip sort of feeds off the previous one, creating worthwhile, and creative content. The power of the video is nothing to be ignored. Video marketing is one of the best, most popular eCommerce tactics you can engage, and the numbers back it up. About 78 percent of people watch online videos every week, and about 55 percent of people view online videos every single day. According to Forrester Research, one video isworth about 1.8 million words on social media channels – can you imagine leaving that big of an impact on your customers? It seems like a silly move to miss out on this social trend!
Consider Microtargeting
If eCommerce is about establishing a territory and reaching out to a designated audience, try thinking a little bit more strategically and use the power of the internet to micro target your audiences. Using online data, consider the niche that your eCommerce shop reaches and establish strategizes to personalize and reach out to those individual niches. Then, you can penetrate those targeted audiences with specialized offers, unique content, and promotional material that makes sense for them.
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