Liberal spring. Ukrainian thaw

In nowadays, the social and political realities of the current situation in Ukraine can suggest the necessity to review the basic principles on which the modern political system is based and formed the concept of the state and social stability. Ukraine today – is a battlefield between good and evil.  It is impossible for people in Ukraine to detect what is good and evil, because everything is constantly mixing up like the playing cards in poker. Society can no longer to determine who is who and what role Ukrainian political parties and personalities are playing! Society can no longer to understand who is intentionally and who is by incompetence brings them to despair.

Since 1991 Ukraine is an independent state, but politicians are still debating about the principles of the state development and social prosperity. The political movements in Ukraine were chaotic all the time because of the Presidents who were trying to get the absolute and totalitarian power over the country.  As at the same time, in some countries of Central and Eastern Europe were similar processes of state formation on the basis of the liberal doctrine, under the influence of Western political institutions and values. Now is the obvious fact that “Western ideas and institutions are not functioning in Ukraine at all, as it was planned in the euphoria after the destruction of socialism in 1991. Liberalism has the significant impact in the world, as well as the dissemination and promotion of liberal ideas in Eastern Europe gets positive results, in Ukraine, nonetheless, liberal ideas are still for dreamers and philosophers. However, this dream does not become a doctrine in sociology, political science, and in socio – economic development.

It is worth to say that Ukraine has another one negative factor, which is pulling back it from the rest of the liberal world. This is the lack of the electorate wish to demand a clear political view. What’s about? Unfortunately, our national electorate is still believe in the power of strong personalities with the ‘’Tzar’s’’ ambitions and strong will ‘’to clean out’’ the Augean stables. It is also worth to put our attention to the political parties that are coming to power in Ukraine. After all, there is one thing in common between them – a worshiped body of leader by voters and candidates. All Ukrainian Parties are designed and made only for One Leader. No discussions. No comments. And the most important, that when this One Leader, which power is all time around him, no longer able to hold on and to keep on strongly power, he becomes the victim of political killing, and then the voters and the candidates are starting to seek the next idol, the fate of which is the only one – a political death. This is not the Western way. There are a lot of political parties, that spreading some logical and ideological system of views. These political views are competing with each other during the elections, and the only decision of the electorate is the criteria of the prize winning. Nonetheless, in Ukraine, there is the way to nowhere, because our electorate is still looking for leaders, not for ideas, ideologies or system of views. Liberal, conservative, socialist, republican, democratic ideas are not popular in Ukraine. The reason is not in the people’s refusal or denying, the reason is just in simple dark ignorance. These different political views are not discussing in the press, on TV, in Internet. According to the Western experience, in modern conditions, the liberalism ought to become very effective in Ukraine, as ideological, political and economic concept. But the problem of the modern Ukrainian political establishment is using of morally and politically passed and demoded concepts of building of the state and society, in fact, not having in common with the rest of the world and the modern politics. Comparing the systems of public administration in the Western European countries, relatively, we can conclude that in the Western world social – liberalism prevails in politics and neo-liberalism – in the economy. Ukraine in this comparison is a unique example of sliding into nowhere, when the chaos in politics is complemented by an oligarchy in the economy. Therefore, in Ukraine there is a need to join actively the process of informing the society about the presence of the clear and pure authentic pan-European political platform and program that is tied to the ideology that the Western world has made a successful and self-sufficient. After all, the only social – liberalism is committed to build a successful society, where the power is the instrument of construction, but not a tool to meet political ambitions.

At the same time, in the rest of the world, under the liberal ideas society understands the desire for freedom, democracy and humanism. Liberalism is based on the recognition of the priority of human rights, which are the highest value in comparison with the group, nation, society and the state. This point of view reinforces the recognition of the sanctity and inviolability of private property and guarantees of rights and freedoms of the individual. Liberalism as a political and economic concept is adding the requirement of separation of powers, an organization of the economy that puts in first place the freedom and natural abilities of the individual, rather than social needs. Implementation of the main theses of European liberal policy regarding equal chances, combating social exclusion, the implementation of the gender policy, of the tolerance policy, anti-discrimination policy, multiculturalism and rationalism priorities propaganda, parliamentary and non-interference in human rights policy – all that are forming the liberal doctrine, that is capable of consolidating Ukrainian society for the establishment of the liberal regime of socio – economic development of Ukraine. The western experience has shown the effectiveness of social – liberalism. We agree and we do support the sentence of Yoshihiro Francis Fukuyama that announced the triumph of liberal democracy and the arrival of a post-ideological world. So electorate, it all depends on you, get those democratic parties, which will give you an idea, program development and action, and not the image that is created minutely without any ideological platform. Find those who do not change their opinion, depending on the circumstances, those who firmly has its own concept of development.

Mr. Ruslan Chornolutzkyi, manageing partner of the legal group ‘’ Jur.ComM’’, advocate, doctoral candidate in law, Leader of the Odessa city organization of the European party of Ukraine, Odessa, Ukraine 

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Chornolytzkyi: Mr. Chornolutskyi is the founder and managing partner of advocacy group Jur.ComM since 2007. He is engaged in the practice of law from 1999, an advocate, doctoral PhD in Institute of Legislation of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Mr. Chornolutskyi specializes in corporate law, commercial law, public law, private international law, legal support of transactions with commercial real estate and land. Also he is a Leader of the Odessa city organization of the European party of Ukraine, Odessa, Ukraine
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