Now in the Telengana state formation subjects the main problem revolving around is, the safety and security of the middle class Andhra-Rayalaseema settlers having immovable properties living in Hyderabad capital city, beside other issues like water disputes, employees’ protection, pension protections, electricity issues etc, between Andhra-Rayalseema regions and newly proposed Telengana state. In spite of several oral phoo-phoo assurances by the Congress big wigs and local Telengana leaders, the middle class settlers belonging to Andhra Rayalaseema regions living in Hyderabad for over six decades have got innumerable fears and suspicions on the impending dangers they have to face, if once Telengana State formation bill is passed in Indian Parliament, and the new Telengana state laws on land issues, Tenancy issues, Law and orders issues that are going to be passed after formation of Telengana state, that would directly effect the Andhra-Rayalaseema middle class people holding employment and properties, as per the statement given by the Telengana politicians. After announcement of Telengana state by Congress party and its CWC, several empty oral promises/assurences are given by the Telengana Politicians, on the safety and security of Andhra Rayalaseema settlers living in Hyderabad city, that too who are having dislike for the United Andhra Pradesh state. So far even now, when the state is still united, not even a single programme by‘Samaikhyandhra’ people is allowed to be conducted in the city of Hyderabad in the last six years by the Telengana state supporters. So in such state of affairs, would anyone believe such promises and assurance given by the Telengana politicians who have no liking for United Andhra Pradesh? So, instead of giving colorful oral promises, it would be better if Telengana Politicians suggest practical solutions to the repatriation of Andhra-Rayalseema middle –class settlers, from the Hyderabad city, those who wish to leave the Hyderabad city, with sufficient monetary compensation, as if when a Husband want to get rid off his wife through divorce, give one time- maintenance and one time alimony to the wife to get rid off her.
Because, joculorley speaking, it is the Telengana Husband now want to get rid off his Seemandhra wife, after using her for over five decades (Seemandhra wife has always been willing to live with the Telengana husband) so, he or his parents (Central Government) must pay heavy monetary compensation (maintenance and one time alimony) to seemandhra wife before sending her away from matrimonial home (Hyderabad city). Similarly, on the same lines each and every settler in the Hyderabad city must be paid justifiable compensation/amounts paying market values for their properties, before asking them to leave the Hyderabad city.
In spite of severe uproar and agitations in the Andhra and Rayalaseema regions, against the decision of Congress Party for bifurcation of state of Andhra Pradesh, the Congress Party categorically made it clear that it would not go back on its decision to divide the Andhra Pradesh into two parts. So now the subject must be shifted from making futile efforts to change the decision of division of state to – how to find solution to Rehablitate and Resettle the large sections of middle class Andhra-Rayalaseema settlers living in Hyderabad city, to Andhra Rayalaseema regions or to other places, by giving them satisfactory/justifiable monetary compensation to each and every family of Andhra-Rayalaseema settled in Hyderabad city. Staying back blindly in the Hyderabad city, blindly believing the oral promises of local politicians would push them into further troubles in future, because the division as aspired by the Telengana Politicians is based on the dislike attitude of Telengana Politicians towards Andhra-Rayalaseema Politicians. So now it is the Andhra – Rayalaseema middle –class people settled in Hyderbad city became scapegoats in this political game. So first their issue must be settled.
Some are asking in ridiculous tone, what do you mean by Compensation to middle class Andhra-Rayalaseema settlers? What is the basis for giving compensation? Who are entitled for it? Who will give compensation? How much must be the compensation amount? In what form compensation must be paid?
Why Compensation? Rayalaseema-Andhra middle class settlers living in Hyderabad city for over six decades have constructed middle class houses, doing employment in government and private and public sector organizations and doing private businesses and also became employers providing job opportunities for the youth of all the regions, have paid heafty taxes (income tax, property taxes, commercial taxes, state and central excise taxes, customs duties, services taxes, Value Added Taxes and various other taxes from time to time and involved in the development of Hyderabad city, for only one reason that is, because it has happened to be capital city of the State of Andhra Pradesh. If it was not declared as capital city 55 years back they would not have come here to live in Hyderabad city. Now some of the Telengana politicians attitude has turned some thing like, use and throw the the Andhra Rayalaseema people – and most pitiably Congress Party bigwigs at New Delhi are backing them. Now, if they are asked directly or indirectly, to leave Hyderabad city, would not they get irritation and embarrassment? Does is not amount to cheating, if their heavy money invested/contributed here for development of city, not returned along with interests rates and compoundable interest rates, before asking them to leave Hyderabad city? To escape from paying compensation package to Andhra Rayalaseema settlers, new statements are being made, saying that every person living in Hyderabad city is treated as Telengana person and they will be assured of safety and security if they live here. Is this not another duping? After seeking divorce from the wife again if husband asked her to come to stay in his home – does it not amount to an illegal/unethical offer/proposal and does it not amount to throwing the wife into unethical/illegitimate life? Does wife tolerate this? Does she not slap such husband with ……?
Because several Central Government organizations, Defense establishments, Rastrapathi Nilayam, Public Sector undertaking of National significance and State government offices, Secretariat, Assembly and High Court of Andhra Pradesh, big hospitals, Rail Nilayam, Film studios, Metro rail systems, Outer ring roads, MMTS trains, International Business, Software schools, Irrigation Projects, Salarjung Museam, Golconda fort, Central and state Universities are located here, middle class people of Andhra and Rayalaseema regions have sold out their properties there 50 years back and come to Hyderabad and constructed houses here and paid heavy taxes for the overall development of the Capital city – now asking them to go back to Andhra-Rayalaseema regions to construct a new capital there, in a period of Ten years means, does it not amount to ridiculous and provocative suggestion ? Is it possible at all in a span of 10 years?
Because, such proposal of constructing a new capital at Andhra-Rayalaseema regions is unrealistic task on the model of Hyderabad city in a span of 10 years – altogether a new proposal is coming from the Andhra-Rayalaseema middle-class settlers of Hyderabad city. Among them:
1) Andhra-Rayalaseema middle class settlers living in Hyderabad city must be repatriated to Andhra-Telengana regions, only after construction of all kinds of Central government Organisations, Defense establishments, Outer ring roads, Metro rails systems, Public Sector undertakings, Defense Research institutes, High Court, Secretariate buildings, Assembly buildings, Big hospitals, Rail nilayam, Tank bund lake, High-Tech city, Film studios, Government hospitals, Salarjung museam, Golkonda fort, Fulknama palace, Nehru Zoological Park, Film city, that are all similar to the one that are existing in the Hyderabad city. Until then the status of Hyderabad capital city must be kept in abeyance, and soon after completion of another Hyderabad city in Andhra and Rayalaseema regions, along with the newly constructed houses, similar to that exist here, for middle-class settlers of the Hyderabad region, then Andhra-Rayalaseema settlers may be shifted from Hyderabad. Till the completion of another capital city akin to Hyderabad city is competed in the Andhra –Rayalaseema region, settlers would stay back here, as if they are staying in the United Andhra Pradesh state.
2) Or otherwise as an alternative, because the Andhra-Rayalseema middle class settlers in the Hyderabad are considering themselves as ‘Telengana Affected People’ (TAP) ‘Rehabilitation and Re-settlement’ (R and R package) package from the Union Government, must be given to the middle class-settlers directly considering them TAPs, on the lines and methods of Compensation awarded to the people affected by the construction of major Irrigation Projects. For example: if a big Irrigation project is proposed to be constructed, land would be acquired by the Government upon the request of Requisition department, and notification would be issued and Monetary Compensation would be awarded to the people whose lands/houses would be submerged in the proposed project or in other words whose lands would be effected by the construction of major irrigation projects. In such cases Monetary Compensation Cheques would be awarded to the Project Affected People as per the Land Acquisition Act, calculating the land values on the existing market rates, adding even some more percentage, even much prior to the beginning of construction of Irrigation Projects. Under the Land Acquisition Act it is for the ‘public purpose’ the land would be acquired. But in the wake of serious political decisions, when some sections of public are seriously affected with such decisions, the ‘Private interests’ of such people must also be protected first, by way of offering them Monetary Compensations, in lieu of such harsh decisions that would affect the Private/property interests of the middle class people.
3) Since the Congress High command leaders along with Telengana state declaration, offered a big package to the Andhra-Rayalaseema political leaders for construction of new capital, 40% of such amount must be allocated to the Hyderabad middle class settlers, to purchase their houses and plots/flats on priority basis, to relieve them of their fears and clear their way to leave Hyderabad city, by taking monetary compensation, leaving their middle class houses, open plots, flats, to the Telengana government here. Leaving the Hyderabad ciaty becomes imminent to Andhra-Rayalaseema middle class settlers here, because, even when the Telengana state is not yet constitutionally recognized, at this stage also the Congress Party Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh Mr.Kiran Kumar Reddy himself is being derogatoraily abused by some ferocious politicians, asking him to start a Tiffin Centre and Curry point in Hyderabad city after Telengana Bill is passed in Parliament, despite having Constitutionally recognized Honorable Chief minister position and administrative machinery around him, – in such state of affairs is it possible for middle class settlers, pensioners, senior citizens of Andhra-Rayalseema people living in Hyderabad city, to protect themselves, after formation of Telengana state?
4) Classification of Repatriation of Andhra-Rayalasema middle class settlers who wish to leave Hyderabad, must be done on the ground which sections of settlers of Hyderabad must be given first priority and Money Compensation Cheques. On first priority basis, properties of Senior Citizesn, Pensioners, retaired employees must be considered by purchasing their properties by the Central Government, prior to passing of Telengana Bill in Parliament. So they would safely leave this place, Next, Non-Gazetted Officers’ properties must be purchased, and they must be transferred/shifted to Andhra-Rayalaseema regions. After that, other private employees’ properties must be purchased.Then comes business people and other rich people in the line, who want to leave Hyderabad city.
5) Those people who do not want to leave the Hyderabad city would stay back in Hyderabad city at their own wish.
6) The other Andhra-Rayalaseema people living in Hyderabad city, who are not having immovable properties, would if feel necessary, go back to Andhra-
Rayalaseema regions, by packing their baggage and there is no need to give money packages for them, because they do not possess, immovablel properties in Hyderabad.
7) So, the compensation package must be allotted to only those middle class settlers (TAPs) having immovable properties, who wish to go back to Andhra Rayalaseema regions and who have fear to stay back in Hyderabad city.
Why this proposal means, only Andhra-Rayalaseema people are being disliked by the Telengana politicians, so their problems must be solved first. There is no problem of living for Non-Telugu speaking people settled in Hyderabad city, because they are never targeted by the Telengana politicians or agitators and they were never asked to got back to their states by Telengana agitotors. So they can stay back in Hyderabad city. All the agitations are against the Andhra and Rayalaseema people, having employment and houses in Hyderabad city.
Any assurances given or newly made protective laws can not guarantee the safety and security of the vulnerable sections in Hyderabad city in the hands of violent people, if past experiences and their aggressive statements are remembered. Would Dr.Antony Committee comprising of other three members, constituted by Mrs. Sonia Gandhi, take into consideration the aspirations of Andhra-Rayalaseema middle class settlers of Hyderabad city, sympathetically, has to be seen. So, if middle class Andhra-Rayalaseema settlers’ interests are protected by the Congress Party by taking bold decisions, they would forever remember Mrs.Sonia and Rahul Gandhi. Because the fate of Andhra-Rayalaseemas middle class settlers, Pensioners, Senior Citizens lives, safety and security is in the the hand of Mrs.Sonia Gandhi and Mr.Rahul Gandhi. By dchaitanya.