Categories: USWorld

Limited Immunity Granted For Blackwater USA

The limited immunity was offered by investigators from the United States Department of State. However, it is unknown what kind of limited immunity has been granted to the guards for the private security firm, Blackwater. In a previous CNN report, the guards were promised that their statements as long as they were true that they wouldn’t be used against them in a criminal prosecution.

The State Department had stated that the department’s Diplomatic Security branch has no right or ability to grant blanket immunity. That would mean, they wouldn’t be able to grant blanket immunity to the guards of Blackwater. The State Department senior official stated that they want to see those accountable for breaking the laws.

It is also added that the decision to prosecute is now in the hands of the Justice Department as the FBI has now taken over the investigation of the incident of the shooting resulting in the deaths of seventeen Iraqi civilians. The prospect of immunity let alone the limited immunity had angered the Democrats.

At the same time, Iraq’s parliament is thinking about passing a draft bill that requires all security firms operating within the country to obey the laws. They would have to obey the laws with no immunity. This also applies to visas, residency, taxes, and customs. The bill would only address violations after it’s passed.

Iraqi government spokesman Ali al-Dabbagh stated: “There will be no immunity.”

For the time being, all non-Iraqi entities such as the private security firms are still under Order 17 of the Coalition Authority’s code for Iraq making them immune from the legal process of Iraq. This was set up by the early days of the US occupation back in 2003.

George W. Bush’s Administration has been accused by Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vermont) for giving amnesty to its allies such as the security contractors for shirking responsibility.

Can Tran:
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