Discussion may have once been a means to an end. What is it today? I can offer, to anyone who has a working definition, that discussion is a relationship between people as people exchange accurate data.
Suppose people exchange inaccurate data and suppose someone claims that such an example of exchanging inaccurate data was or is an example of discussion. I offer that this would not be a case of discussion; rather, this would be a case of something else like a circle jerk perhaps. I can’t be the authority of language.
Anyway: the power of the link, the data, and the context (the forum) exists. This is a factual perception. History records events like these as the data passed from person to person describing an imminent escalation of a current criminal invasion and occupation of territory already held by innocent people minding their own business. Consider, for example, how the German population passed the latest news concerning the move from Poland to parts south and west. German people read the news about new frontiers and they may or may not have discussed the ramifications of that news.
I can offer a measure of the historical record on that relevant point here:
And here is a cause of concern (competition):
If the reader on this forum takes a peak, the reader may cringe at the cover art on that book. Perhaps that would be an example of a conditioned response. The book was written by a military officer who survived the war with horrible injuries. The book is merely a compilation of “voices” of regular people in Germany during the 1930s and 1940s: a historical time period.
Leading away from the history and onto the present I am going to link two more sources of data that can help explain the real reasons for the current criminal aggression being perpetrated upon a massive scale. I should be no surprise to everyone that the end desired is power and the means by which that end is gained includes lies and violence. The half truths will torture people, please understand that much.
The first link is something I’ve picked up today as this data passes by me in our time and in our space.
Here is an imaginary dialog that I dream up for you to consider:
Hitler wannabe invader of nations, torturer, and mass murderer (GWB):
“If I can’t have it, no one can.”
Now a quote from the data link:
(AP) Iran, OPEC’s second-largest producer, has completely stopped conducting oil transactions in U.S. dollars, a top Oil Ministry official said Wednesday, a concerted attempt to reduce reliance on Washington at a time of tension over Tehran’s nuclear program and suspected involvement in Iraq.
Iran has dramatically reduced dependence on the dollar over the past year in the face of increasing U.S. pressure on its financial system and the fall in the value of the American currency.
Oil is priced in U.S. dollars on the world market, and the currency’s depreciation has concerned producers because it has contributed to rising crude prices and eroded the value of their dollar reserves.
"The dollar has totally been removed from Iran’s oil transactions," Oil Ministry official Hojjatollah Ghanimifard told state-run television Wednesday. "We have agreed with all of our crude oil customers to do our transactions in non-dollar currencies."
Why, the reader may wonder, have I put words in the tyrants mouth and why did I choose those words? Please consider a look in the not too distant past concerning the previous invasion, occupation, torture, and mass murder (of our own soldiers, contractors, journalists, taxpayers, and government people as well as OUR victims – if we are The People that is) and to find that data I will type in a simple search for the following words: Iraq Oil Law.
Here is a winner:
Why, after digesting the above, would someone, a rational human being, sign onto such evil crime? Why would anyone alive support torture and mass murder for profit? Did you read the book I linked? There are lessons in history that can answer these troubling questions.
People fear. People fear an end of their way of life. People fear the unknown. People fear higher oil prices. People fear an increase in their own work load. People fear the loss of their own power to purchase the good life. People fear recession. People fear depression. People fear helplessness. People fear powerlessness.
Now I am inclined to offer a very stark realization that many people will ignore or faint ignorance, reject, and refuse to consider almost as if the viewer, the reader, is a vampire looking at sunlight or a cross. Look away if you must.
People are inspired to give up their own power as people are inspired to fear their own power. This is trickery. The trick is to inspire people to fear a condition of powerlessness while people are inspired to give up their own power. The trick is to inspire people to work for and create just enough power to survive only when that power is transferred to the criminals. If someone does not transfer power to the criminals that someone becomes a TERRORIST by law.
Repeat after me: “If you are not with us – you are a TERRORIST!”
Fear being a TERROTIST. Come on people. By now we all know what happens to TERRORISTS.
Back when America got rid of an invading army of terrorists the government was a defensive apparatus in place of organized crime. That is right. You can look away. Government was in place of organized crime. The idea was to ‘fill the void’ with a force to ‘keep out’ organized crime. People in those days were intimately aware of organized crime taking over the government of The People. When criminals (tyrants) take over the government of The People, then, the people knew it was time to abolish criminal governments. That was then.
Now the criminal governments are embraced as OUR protectors of OUR prosperity. Now the criminal governments are in place to govern us. This switch from defense to offense occurred in 1788 when the criminals took over. We the people have been governed ever since. They dictate who works, what is made, how much the product costs, how the product is made, how much is made, the quality of the product, the distribution of the product, the consumption of the product, and they dictate, as best they can, every possible power used in the process of life. The way that this power is utilized, the means, is by fraud and by force. The device, the power producing device, utilized in this process of organized crime (offensive government of the people) is monopoly money. Go ahead and laugh. Did you read the link on interest free money?
The power to produce legal money is the power that drives economic life among The People. You can laugh all you want about my version of this truth, meanwhile the organized criminals laugh all the way to their bank. That power to produce, distribute, maintain, and consume legal purchasing power (money) is the power to shape, regulate, dictate, and consume economic life. When you want to become something more than you are now what stands in your way? Who gives you permission to begin an economic venture? If you answer this question accurately you will follow the money to the top. You will bypass all the middle men and women. Go to the top. Who gives you permission to embark upon an economic venture?
Do you ask the people if they want what you intend to produce or do you ask the government? Who gives you the credit you need to begin producing economic value? How, if you do manage to begin producing economic value without gaining permission from The Government, how do you maintain that enterprise without gaining the permission of The Government? In other words: when the tax man arrives at your door how do you respond to the tax man?
“If you are not with us; you are a TERRORIST!”
That, in so many words, is the missing link. This diatribe written by me intended to aid in the realization of impending power consumption: War with Iran.
The power consumed in bombing Iran is an investment strategy cooked up by the criminals who run the U.S. Government of The People (by the criminals). The investment strategy is one of domination or acquisition because the competition is gaining power. The bottom line is being threatened by the competition. Who is the competition?
The PEOPLE are the competition. We The People are gaining too much power all over the world. The criminals are throwing everything they have left at their self-created problem so as to destroy the competition. They, the criminals, have the power to tax The People. They must burn up that power in the destruction of The People.
Please see this and if you do not see this then please ask questions. I’d like to disprove my viewpoint and I can’t. This viewpoint is true.
How about a summation?
The People have proven to our-selves an ability to prosper without the “help” of organized criminals. This was proven by American pioneers, people from Europe, who began to populate and co-exist with native people on this land. The legal criminals running their extortion rackets with fraudulent currency were less powerful here in American Liberty. Those criminals did, in fact, try to insight conflict between The People of various cultures so as to create a demand for their ‘protection’; however that battle was won by The People up to the signing of The U.S. Constitution. That event was the beginning of the end of Liberty. That was when the currency fraud began to over-power the economic life of America. Government in place of organized crime was replaced by organized crime. Government of defense of liberty was replaced by government to subject the people, direct the people, economize the people, regulate the people, and use the people as capital for the criminals to profit. Power began to flow from the people to the criminals so as to empower the criminals to over-power the people.
The link has been and continues to be money and not just any form of money. The link is legal money. Organized criminals steal purchasing power from The People with legal money. The people earn that purchasing power and the criminals steal that purchasing power through the creation, production, maintenance, and consumption of legal purchasing power (money or legal tender). Is this too complicated? Am I using too many words?
That link, today, still exists however that link is severely threatened by the competition. The competition is between organized criminals and The People (the people who do not injure innocents for profit, on purpose, pre-meditated). The People are gaining power. The organized criminals are losing power. The organized criminals are intimately aware of their power deficit. The People are ignorant of the real deficiency. The organized criminals have had the power to deceive The People. That is the shift of power. The People are gaining the power of knowledge and the power to share knowledge. This is an exponential growth power. Think woman. Think man. When in your own history have you known so much true information concerning the criminals who are destroying our economic life? This advance in general knowledge toward greater accuracy, an expose, is a rapidly accelerating current phenomenon and the criminals are shaking in their boots. Please know this.
The final battle, to tip the balance of power from the criminals back into the hands of the people (the people who do not, and will not, injure innocence, on purpose, for profit) is inevitable. The criminals want The People to believe that this coming battle will be a violent one, a miserable one, a torturing one, and a murderous one that will happen on a massive scale. It will not. This inevitable restructuring of the power structure will be peaceful. The power of oil will be replaced by the power of electricity. The power of legal currency will be replaced by open competition (voluntary capitalism) in currency markets (Free Banking) and Islamic currency may win that battle peacefully (no interest earning capability). The power of falsehood will be replaced by accurate data. The power of organized and massive violence will be replaced by organized and massive discussion.
The balance of power between the organized criminals and the people is rapidly moving away from the criminals and toward the people. The criminals are intimately aware of this factual present condition. In their eyes, please use sympathy; this is a clear and present danger to their power. Solutions that avoid lies and avoid violence are clearly threatening the power held and abused by those legal criminals.
Summation effort two:
The employment of the productive power of The People has been stolen, by extortion, and then that power has been mal-invested in the production of torturous products aimed at destroying innocent people. That power to punish, extort, and destroy is now held in a line drawn in the sand between Iraq and Iran. If the legal criminals get away with torturing and mass murdering the innocent people in Iran, to take their power, and abuse their power (oil) for more conquest, more torture, and more mass murder their crimes will have passed beyond tolerance. Please see this. I think the power held by the legal criminals has run its course. I don’t think Iran will be invaded as planned. I think it is beyond insane to do so at this time because the people are now watching and the people now know the score as never before in the history of The People.
Even during Patrick Henry’s time, the time of Thomas Paine, The People were overly dependent upon a trust in The Government. Those days are thankfully evaporating. It is past time to distrust the lies told by legal criminals and trust in the fact that they are lying, they are stealing, they are raping, they are torturing, and they are mass murdering innocent people for profit.
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