To understand this fact we will have to go into a few details of what the original human organism was designed for and how Mother Nature had programmed us to live healthy lives.
Genetic programming was for:-
1) Wandering nature
2) Periods of food excess and periods of starvation
3) Hunting and gathering food
4) Thrifty gene*
Environmental factors existing were:-
a) Rural background,
b) Continuous state of exercise,
c) Natural and raw foods,
d) Closeness o nature,
e) No artificial pollutants,
f) Diseases as markers for elimination of unfit organism,*
g) Survival of the fittest,
h) Adequate rest,
i) No stress.
There is a constant interaction between the two sets of factors: the genetic and the environmental. This scene was meant to be for the good of the human organism.
The marked messages mean
*Thrifty gene is nature’s mechanism where the human being was given a genetic make up which could store food in the body in the form of fat during the harvest (feasting) season and the same stored food was made use of by the body during the famine (fasting) period. We must remember that the pre-historic man did not have planned agriculture. He depended upon hunting animals and gathering raw food for his survival. It must also be remembered that three was no means of storing food due to the wandering nature of the pre-historic man.
*Diseases as markers of elimination
In the pre-historic era, there was no question of artificial means of healing. For survival, the human being had to be fit to wander and hunt and gather food. Therefore, only the fit and strong could survive and procreate. Any sick or unfit person was incapable of survival. It was nature’s mechanism to keep the balance between various species that disease was used as a means of elimination. Thus, nature ensured that only the fittest of the species survived and procreated.