Love means a need to say sorry


In the present days both men women think that, there is no need to say sorry to their spouse. This may be because the media has taught us so by way of fancy stories and so on. However, in real life saying sorry to their spouses helps a lot to strengthen a relationship between a man and woman.
While dating both men and women, do not show their minus points to their partners. The reality comes to light only when they tie up in a marriage and start living together.
To err is human. When we do something, which offends our spouse we should say sorry with out the least hesitation. Love means surrendering everything to the partner and living totally for him/her. Love means that there is no need to express any ego where your spouse is concerned.
In fact, you can even go to that extent of saying sorry to your spouse when you are not wrong, if it will keep the peace, but at the same time explain your views subtly so he/ she realizes who is at fault. After all, if it is going to please your spouse and strengthen your relationship why not? If you can easily forgive your children for all their mistakes, why cannot you do that for your spouse who is going to be with you through thick and thin and till the end of your life.
Love means a need to say sorry.
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