Jesus brought a profound message this year to heed. Do not miss the insightful and weighty information to currently explain improving and understandings your life. For the whole communication and impact click on this link:
He said, “We are talking about rising into the higher energy, you are coming into, and you are now, raising your energy into this higher consciousness. It is your opportunity to align with that Christ consciousness and to join in the celebration of moving forward into ascension into a new consciousness a higher consciousness, a consciousness of unconditional love. With the advent of AD the calendar changed to a new energy of love, the Dispensation of Love with the old and dark energy of the past releasing the Dispensation of Law.
You will be able to apply this love in your life. You remain in the spirit and consciousness of God. Sometimes people like visuals. The cookie dough on the sheet is the same dough as was in the cookie bowl, the love of God. That soul of God is within you completely. You see we are talking about unconditional love, the kind of love you would find from a dog. That is called unconditional love, the love that you accept within yourself, knowing it is the love in your heart, and it has always has been.
The light of God is the most powerful energy ever and always. This faith is your connection to God and consciously be aware of being in that connection to God. You now have one foot in Third Dimension and one foot in Fifth Dimension. God is more powerful than anything; that is reality. Accessing that power puts you into Fifth Dimension. You become grounded on the rock of love, truth, peace, abundance, faith, and unconditional love. You can move onto the solid rock of God. It will guide you into a light of unconditional love.
Now you have grown into the light of God, the life you wanted. That’s peace on earth. We love others because they are God’s children and they are our brothers and sisters. That is when you learn to love yourself, love completely as much as God loves you. ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’
Your beliefs can become unlimited because God is unlimited. To be in a high conscious connection with God is a meditative state of being. Nothing comes from God, but love.
You see when you part the Red Sea, you have allowed Gods energy to come in, and that is the most powerful energy of all. Each time I [Jesus] said, ‘Satan get thee behind me’, I was telling my ego and my fear to move behind me because I wanted to move forward into Gods higher consciousness. I cannot serve two masters, so I serve God/love/light. ”
Rev. Marilyn Redmond, BA, CHT, IBRT is an internationally winning writer, speaker, therapist, and consultant. Her lectures, interviews, and channelings appear on You Tube. Her web site is angelicasgifts. Marilyn is a spiritual counselor, internationally board certified to do regression and a past life therapist. She offers tarot/psychic readings and private channelings. Her blog is and her books and writings are at in addition to her web site.
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