Love Will Change Your Life


There are higher vibrations as joy, peace, and empowerment based in love and light in the highest vibrations. Negative thinking offers lower emotions and positive ideas produce higher emotions. Are you ready to move into enjoying your life?

This awakening offers the idea that fears should not control your life. Choosing to replace fear with love is a viable solution. Will releasing old energy of negativity from the past, to be replaced by a rising energy of love, create a new paradigm?

The life giving energy of emotions nurtures the spiritual body like the flow of blood feeds the body. Prescription drugs, toxic thinking, and negative emotions all block this energy flow. Changing your life to a spiritual focus allows this flow to happen.

Changing your emotional level on the vibrational scale of consciousness is necessary for well-being. Emotions, vibrations, and energy are different terms for spirit. Where your energy resides is the level of your consciousness. An inner house cleaning is needed for completely rising above negative feelings. In reality, love composes the consciousness of an individual, our true identity.

The presence of God’s love is the most important power in your life. You let go of the old idea of a punishing God and negative experiences. Love is always with you— the only power.

It is time to move into loving experiences. The ego tells us that we are separated from God. The head/ego does not want to loose its dominion over your life. Understanding that the ego’s message is not true is necessary. When we gain truthful information, the ego can no longer direct your life. We automatically grow in God consciousness in our heart.

Your life will change. Reducing the influence of the ego and returning to God-consciousness in your life is not an easy task. Remember the ego says we are separated from God, so the solution is to return to God. Choose positive over negative in your life. God never left your consciousness in reality. It just was hidden by the ego’s negativity.

Love is the answer. "All we need is love", becomes real. Taking the challenge to release all the fear-based energy takes trust. You can return to the higher vibrations of light and love; it is available right now.

Science says that energy moves. You ascend out of the negative denser energy. It is all about raising vibrational energy to overcome the ego. Ending the energy drain from past issues elevates you to a height of God consciousness, love, or healthy vibrations of well-being. Spirituality means living in love or positive vibrations of energy that are called spirit.

This higher power is an energy force. It is called by many labels such as: Love, God, Creator, or Creative Forces. You are not creating more chaos but sending loving energy that allows loving energy to return to you. You are a child of God’s love. You move into a higher consciousness of being more rational, loving, and sane.

You save yourself from your ego. Lessons in life are not always pleasant while transforming your life. Growing into a mature, rational, loving person is what life is really about.

No one can attack love. There is no threat from love. It is ego’s lie that we will be punished if we reveal our true self as a being of love. The scariest thing in life is to be totally available to God’s love. The ego shut you down from love when you felt danger. This choice moves you from an ego driven, fear based life. Satan is bound because negative, lower energy cannot sustain in higher vibrations. The theme becomes peace, harmony, and love.

It is time to celebrate when you experience Heaven on Earth. Love your neighbor, as yourself becomes a way of life. God is love. Love one another as God loves you and you are in unconditional love. All there is, is love. Loving your God with all your heart, mind, and soul becomes who you are. It is a state of being.

For a more detailed account of this information read "The Real Meaning of 2012:
A New Paradigm Bringing Heaven to Earth" By Marilyn Redmond on Kindle at:


You will find similar articles also on Kindle by Marilyn.
Marilyn Redmond: I love to share my experience, strength and hope of overcoming my harsh conditions and illnesses. At 76 years of age, I am not the same person I used to be. Through my international speaking, writing, seminars, consulting, and counseling , I share overcoming a childhood of living in domestic violence with abuse and incest, a thirty-year domestic violent marriage of rape, in addition to healing 9 addictions, Bipolar Disorder, PTSD, fibromyalgia, arthritis, and more. My groundbreaking techniques as Therapeutic Hypnosis along with flower essences, heals the root or origin of the problem releasing the symptoms and circumstances that are based in emotional issues. As a retired teacher in public schools and colleges, I have three years in graduate work towards a doctorate degree. I became an ordained minister to do spiritual counseling, regression healing, and past life therapy. I offer tools and solutions to encourage happiness from transformation. I was inducted into Who’s Who for Professionals and Executive for her innovation work and pioneering work in restoring traumatic lives, healing emotional causes of illness and releasing negative energy. My innovative information uses the universal laws and dynamics to address the root causes of disease, addiction, mental illness, Bipolar Disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and living problems in life. My inspirational presentations come from personal understanding and as a counselor, international lecturer, and college teacher utilizing my insight and wisdom. In addition, I am an award-winning international writer and international author, consultant, and columnist appearing at universities and schools, seminars, retreats, treatment centers, wellness centers, and conventions. I was just interviewed for the internet at talkstorytv.com. My successful radio show, “Marilyn’s Solutions”, along with many interviews on radio and appearance on television and lectures are well received. With hope, love, and vision each client can create a better world. I wish to share all my abilities with everyone. My forthcoming book is “Paradigm Busters, Revealing the Real You”. My videos, TV appearance, books, articles, writing, lectures, articles and artwork are on my web site at: angelicasgifts.com. My blog is: daybook.com. Check out my videos at: youtube.com or my E-books at: amazon.com. Contact me at marilyn@angelicasgifts.com
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