Arrival of US President elect Mr. Barak Hussain Obama in White House is a good omen for future of democracy in USA and elsewhere in the world. Era of racial discrimination will end during his four years tenure within USA, the injustices done in the past will be compensated and a new and better social order will emerge. It’s a fruit of democracy that racial divide in USA is now lowered to the extent that Barak Obama a colored man has become US president. The journey from slavery to presidency was long and painful, black Africans in USA had suffered a lot, broadmindedness of Democratic Party leadership and its members is largely responsible for present state of racial harmony in USA. Educated liberal democrats of white origin deserve credit for it; they had groomed and encouraged Obama to reach this height being a member of Democratic Party.
People in Pakistan narrate stories regarding President Obama’s stay in Karachi in his early age and frequent visits of his honorable mother in Gujrat city of Pakistan and they all praise him and his honorable mother, in fact during last fifty five years of Pakistan’s alliance relationship with USA people to people relations between both countries were strengthened up to the extent that a professor in California university owns residence in Lahore capital of Punjab, and spends most of his time in Lahore, Professor Willy had told me about his craze for Lahori food and other niceties of Lahore during my brief stay in San Fransisco in September 1988. Professor Willy is also a good friend of Professor Rasul Buksh Rais interestingly now Professor Rasul Baksh Rais an imminent scholar is also in Lahore and is head of social science faculty of a private university in Lahore.
Interestingly President Obama due to his name Barak Hussain Obama is considered as Muslim brother in Pakistan, some of the people had told me USA is now having a Muslim president; few of them were of the view that he is Shia sect Muslim due to inclusion of word Hussain in his name. Yesterday evening I found people sitting in a restaurant of Kohat looking towards television screen with great concentration, probably they were watching alive coverage of Obama’s oath taking ceremony.
Expectation of political leadership in Pakistan is that US drone attacks will end now, Prime Minister Gailani is of the view that US drone attacks are causing embarrassment for elected leadership of Pakistan, he says that US shall share information with Pakistan and Pakistan security forces will take action against miscreants.
Submitted by
Abdur Raziq
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