Lunch Food vs. Desert Food

Lunch and desert are two kinds of established historical food around the world. Both of them have clearly different trait such as ingredient and seasoning. However, when you compare both of two carefully, you will notice that several common points may surely make a connection with two kinds of food in terms of ingredient. Also, the tastes of these two generally have a couple of similarities. Although these two kinds of food seem crucially different, you will surprise that some similarities could link Lunch food and desert food.

Lunch and desert food seem to have completely different characters, because of several reasons. One of obvious difference is seasoning, which can mainly decide a taste of each food. Lunch key seasonings are illustrated by olive oil, wine, vinegar and so forth. In contrast, desert food has no oil and masala… In lunch food, principal food is rice, and a bowl of rice is served without any other ingredient. Japanese prefers to the gloss sometimes compared with silver, and relishes the original taste. Contrary to this food culture, I lunch food has many dishes which uses staple food such as pasta, lasagna, pizza and risotto. These examples of many Italian dishes lead to show that staple food is completely mixed to each dish, contrasting with Japanese food.

Although these two kinds of food seem completely different, we can find several things in common.. One of these is that generally both are not hot. Although I said that each typical seasoning is totally different, both of key seasonings donft make dishes hot. In contrast to Korean, Indian and many kinds of Asian food, it is hard to see fiery Japanese dishes. Only seasoning which is hot is food, but it is rare to be used. Also, in the case of Italian food, though there are a few hot-tasty dishes, which are used with chili pepper, these seem minor and not mainstream. In addition to this similarity, many desert dishes taste is mild because of sweetness from sweet. Although these two kinds of food look completely different ones at the first glance, several similarities connect up lunch food to desert food.

B.R. Tauhid:
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