Madaglasht need attention of the authoirty


Pensioners demanded for increasing of monthly in upcoming budget.


CHITRAL:  Old age citizen especially those who have been retired from government services are facing numerous problems in present era when prices of essential goods are sky touching. Former general secretary of Pensioners Association Chitral and presently Nazim UC Kosht Ameer Khan Jalali who has been retired as a school teacher also one of them. Ameer Khan Jalali said while talking to local journalists that pensioners’ senior citizens have spent precious part of their life during government service. He said that in present back broken dearness they are suffering badly. He said that pensioners are giving all benefits in other countries and they may be compensated through special package in our motherland. He demanded from President, Premier of Pakistan Federal and Provincial Finance Ministers to not ignore pensioners segment and special relief package may be announced for pensioners.


Office Bearers of Alfalah women sports Club and Welfare Society Madaglasht elected.


CHITRAL: Office bearers of Alfalah Wome Sports Club and Welfare Society (AWSCWS) Madaglasht elected here the other day. According to election committee  the following office bearers were elected for the society.  Chief patron Akbar Bahadar, President MS. Rukhsana, General Secretary Miss Rania Taj, Vice president Miss Tabassum, Joint Secretary Miss Sumera Gul and Finance Secretary Ms. Aneeta Gul. Talking to this scribe president of the society MS. Rukhsana Gul said that main objective of this society to raise voice for the rights of women and to also providing them equal opportunities to participate in different sports matches and tournaments. She said that our society was supported by Young Star Development Organization Drosh (YSDO). She said representatives of Livelihood Program also visited the area through the society to ascertain assessment in the area for further promotion and providing more opportunities of livelihood in this area. She said we feeling need of a registered plate form where we can raise voice for our rights and this is the first women society in such a far away and remote locality she added.


Some educated women of the area meet here and decided to establish a society comprising on women folk who can work for women rights. By laws also constituted for the society after proper counseling with elites of the area. Main objectives of the society are to create awareness among the women folk regarding importance and need of sports.

To linkage with different organization for guide line and to come forth this society for sustainable development and rising life standard of these women. Keeping in view and respecting of local culture creating fondness of sports among girls’ students and female of the area. Collecting and distributing of sports goods among women folk. To approach philanthropists for financial supporting. Motivate girls students for higher education side by side with sports activities. Creating of mutual understanding, promoting harmony and unity among the women folk of the area and to participate in welfare activities for women of the Madaglasht. To contact Aga Khan Sports Board for guidance and funding.


She said that at present some 25 female are members of this society all of them working voluntarily. Chief patron of the society Akbar Bahadar has donated/spared one room of his residence which is using for office use of the society. She said that it was decided that all office bearers will work for 2 years and new cabinet will be elected through proper election. She said that Madaglasht is very remote and backward area of Tehsil Drosh situated at a distance of some 90 KM from here. Road of this paradise like area is in a very dilapidated condition and that is whey tourists avoid to visit this attractive and beautiful area consisting on rich forest and green sceneries with milky water. She appeal President and Prime Minister of Pakistan as well as provincial Chief Minister and Ministry of Tourism (Federal and Provincial) to establish a tourist resort, picnic or tent village as well as PTDC motel in this area so as to attract tourists causing for its development alternately.


G.H. Farooqi PO Box # 50 GPO Chitral Pakistan Phone # 92 943-302295, 414418, cell phone 03025989602

Email: gulhamad@gmail.com, gulhamaad@yahoo.co.uk, gulhamad786@hotmail.com   

G. H. Farooqui: Free Lance Journalist from Chitral Pakistan and Human Rights Activist as well as Social Worker and Registered Volunteer
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