Made-in-China Antimosquito coils banded in Myanmar Market

Kyinn Htone, Laojun, Aestar Power and Tianshi are the names of brands of antimosquito coils have been banded from Myanmar market due to toxic affect, causing lung cancer.

These branded coils were iimproted into Myanmar without lincense of  Insecticides’ department, Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation.

These brands were populared in market for recent affect of causing death of mosquitoes.

But in human, respiratory affects such as cough, bronchitis etc. have been found. Children are more affected. Some children got rashes and bleeding from  nostrils. So authorized persons of government seized them from market.

Ministry of Irrigation and Agriculture has investigated Kyinn Htone & Baby Care antimosquito coils and they found that meper fluthrina was found more than 0.04%.

Then cyhalothrin also found 0.08% and branded made-in Phon Kyant province.

Currently there are more than 103 brands allowed to distribute legally.

Myanmar so far rises vector-borne infectious diseases , such as dangue haemorrhagic fever, malaria and other many communicable diseases. 

Dr. Khin Myint Oo:
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