THE American center known to many of us for its library and student counseling facilities had come up with a very noble program of providing micro-scholarships to madrassah students for learning english language. the access program was launched in fall2004 and since then the us state department has funded english language training programs for 215 students in foour batches aged between14to 18years, language proficiency center(LPC) along with the local partner pa is giving the best there can be to these acceess students for learning english the students for learning english. the students are divided in to small groups and are expected to meet three times aweek for a period of 18 months at the LPC.
on the occusion of the program the american ccnter had arranged for a little ccremony which was presided over by the us ambassador to bangladesh HE james F moriarty himself. the newly appointed director of the A merican center.A my Hast vrampas spoke afew words onthe occasion and conghatulated the students who successfully graduated from the program.
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